Friday 1 August 2014


Nature preaches balance. But when this balance goes astray it leads to catastrophe. Similar way self esteem is good but when it trespasses beyond its exponent variable, it mutate to egoism which is again a jammed road.

Excessive length of upper lip
Small, thin, dry upper lip with emaciated central part
Sharp, parallel perpendicular lines running from base of nose to and cutting through the center of upper lip

Influential family, richness tag, branded wardrobe, servile service, luxury wheels and rainbow life. After all what you can wish for more. But you can ruin it with your own hands in matter of years. Construction requires years of hard work but destruction it is just a glimmer of wrong fraction of second.
Swimming in all heavenly pleasure that a man can afford on the earth, this man had all. But that went high in his cranium that he thought himself to be god.
This so called god feel in love with one of the beautiful denizen of the planet and committed his heart to her. But his family didn’t agree to the girl with humble humdrum existence. They wanted someone of their status. The man stood for his love. Though we can applaud his act but there is a punch here, i.e. execution of his action. His modus operandi was so rogue and revolting that it broke every fragment of ties with his birth family. He stood to his guns that he have the power within to have his individualistic existence. Fast forwarding all the typical Bollywood drama and peeping in his life 5 years later, he was doing not bad at all.
He was married with one kid, one house and blooming business which was still in its teething stage. As they say, old habits die hard. His being Boss image overshadowed everything he did. He liked to sit in the big chair and just give orders rather than sweeping floors for intricate details and loopholes of his enterprise.
As it was expected, his endeavors couldn’t withstand the test of time because of the leakage channels and it collapsed like a house of cards. His wife tried to help him out by using his education accolades and started a small scale boutique. But his bigot thoughts cut short her dream run. The women should be restricted to confinement of house rear children rather than dragging heels for finances.
Eight years down the line, his wife, still walk the guilt road for being the reason of separation of her husband’s family, so she blindly follows the command of her husband though they are in serious financial crunches that is not only affecting their life style but also the future of their two kids.
The man is reluctant to learn and kneel down on the compromise even though he has burned his savings to ashes and still stand in middle of nowhere. All that stands with him is his high self-esteem.

“My ego is my life, both grows in one
Take ego from me and my life is done
My leash, my ego, my dear let me try
For which I live and for which shall I die.”
(Lines from poem ‘Richard II’.)

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