Thursday 28 August 2014

CON AIR 3 {PART - 2}

        CON AIR 3 
Last week we saw our protagonist almost on the brisk of the matrimony which she didn’t want. Two months was a short period to find someone with high standards and valuable credentials, to make fall in love and runaway.
But this time luck was kind on her. The three, octogenarian in the clan of both families, followed each other in natural senescence death row and hence the wedding dates were postponed for five months. Now instead of peaky summer marriage they were going for shivering post Christmas dates.
Good for her, she just got the most needed time. For one month she polished her looks, got her hairs straight, streaked and colored and a butterfly tattoo on her radial side of wrist. (F41= wrist plays an important role in power play of courtship and is a subtle potential green light exponent. For further intricate details, referred blogs Game of Courtship)
Once her make over was complete step two was “Finding Nemo”. She paraded, displaying her unique style, on the ramping street of the localities studded with Honda, SUV’s, Audi and Mercedes. Four days on 6inches stilettos, though hurt like hell, but fetched her rat in the trap. A rich boy suddenly lost beat and got his SA node (node in heart that generate heartbeat) rearranged over her.

What kind of person bread crumbs, herself on rich streets?
ANSWER: A smart girl with needs. God! You people are not reading.
QUESTION TWO, scenarios like this is typical bollywood-lly?
Hello, movies are pictorial presentation of real life. So stop fretting, things like this do happen in real world. (Note to check the authenticity of the stated happenings: I am way beyond imagining such stuff until and unless someone tells me. In this case, a vindictive cousin of her, rated her out)
Anyways, sticking to the story, it was a child play to get the rich boy for obvious reasons of beauty and cleavage factor. They dated for 4 months. Now her wedding date was hanging out like a naked sword on her head and she have to do something real fast.

She talked to her boyfriend and divulge her position. The rich boy suddenly felt tremors of uncertainty and shaky head. He was twenty six; too early to get hitched with present proposition, he started to have second thoughts and changed heart. And when she pushed too tight, he backed off. This was unexpected. Her claws were tight but somewhere along the way they got rusted and shed off. Was she loosing her magic?
Bereft all option she bended to fate. Only to realize after five honeymoon nights, her ex-flame who dumped her was back. He couldn’t think of life devoid of her. Viola! She was on for her first extra martial affair and got herself a tender lover.
Two months later, she planned a runaway with the lover who vouched for her happiness. She wanted style in her life which her lover strategically baited her for which her innocent husband couldn’t even think of.
They did ran, had few nights together and made the plan to cover their basis and she returned to her mamma-daddy home.

According to plan, she cried her husband being impotent from rooftop and demanded a use of right to have a righteous divorce. When people started to believe her lies and banged the door of judiciary, her lover’s mother came to know about the setting. The lover’s old lady posed big peril in the path of her happiness and cutting short the big epic drama of love, sex and betrayal, she ended up with broken marriage and lost dream of riches’.

She is divorced before her first wedding anniversary. So what if few bad choices in her life have back fired, she didn’t lose any hope. Two months after divorce she is active on the matrimony sights to find herself an eligible man, “The man according to her standards.”
She has put the past way past her. She is all geared up with new vigor to con the life, destiny and fate again. It’s her challenge.

She came to me for Renal Stone (kidney stone) treatment.

Phrenology of cons has been discussed earlier. Just savor the entrée.


Tuesday 26 August 2014



Planning is part and parcel of life. People plan different things like some have their travel plan, some have their business plans and some plan pregnancy. But for few means, motive and opportunity are their prime times. But life is a poker game; sometimes the desired card is stocked last in the clan.

She had the reputation to be the clever most girl of the school who could go to any extent to enjoy her life. Things or relationship surrounding here were mere word say, only thing that mattered for her was her comfort zone.
We don’t know why she’s like this either you can guess or ask her directly? I cut the chase to land on second option.
Her answer:    providence has always played the role in opposition and snatched away good things from her. When she was ten, her father died. Year later her mother was married to his father’s brother. Though his new father was doting as her deceased father, but things were not same and since then she started playing the beagle revolver, a fight against destiny and to snatch, steal or rob at gun point whatever she wanted.
QUESTION number TWO, they say the talent of genius is seen in a cradle, when her revolting symptomatology was evident, why her berserk beginning, wasn’t bridled by her mother and new father?
EASY ANSWER:   her mother was grief stricken for years and her new father was scared of step father tag hence played complacent to all her ideology.

With the superior grey matter and looks to kill she shunted boyfriends like clothes. She has been with all and every cool, hot, ultra tech dude of the school and outside school, of the locality especially the one with a good horse power wheels. With bandana and off shoulder dresses, she was a vogue.
How could she always come out neat and clean and go in for next prey. Oh God! You are not reading, I told you “Superior Wisdom” she could do anything. But How?
She didn’t divulge and I am too bored writing obvious stuff. We all know boys below twenty are fools and easy to do and beyond twenty the clumsiness grades differ even till the grand ripe age even if they are hitting century. {That’s how men brain function and ant girl with average brain matter and super duper cleavage show can decipher it easy and plainly}
Coming back to the girl, our girl have a track record of having twenty eight different boyfriends of different cast, creeds and pockets. The record is still unbreakable.

Girls with above listed talent, scores only meager digits on their report card with sky rocketing cut off list of educational institute, her humble numbers were nowhere to stand and hence she landed in non-collegiate course. Two days outing from house was not a good plan for her nomadic life style. So posing herself to be elder daughter of the family and cutting in share for own deal of responsibilities {pure pretence}, she took a part time job, so more boyfriends’ milling down her road. But now she found real competition with increasing number of her own species. Even the boys have become stickier then ever and all of a sudden they started using ‘F; word which she always avoided in her repartee, the “FUTURE” of a relationship.

With boys being too much futuristic to handle without the steaming big currency in their pocket, she decided an escape plan, she asked her mama, to get her a rich teddy, worthy, wealthy irrespective of healthy, to be her future hypothetical kid’s daddy.
Innocent parents ran scanners all around for the eligible doughnut and finally found one in the distant acquaintance and things were finalize.
The bank ledgers of boy were sunny, though he looked like bunny. But the thing that she found funny that his life was simple bereft of rummy.
That wasn’t going to work; she knew it in her hearts. She tried to convey the message but this time her words fell on deaf ears. Two months later, she was going to get hitched But….
There is always but at the end of ‘every but’. So to catch up what happened next with the girl with superior intelligence , have patience and pass a week.

Friday 1 August 2014


Nature preaches balance. But when this balance goes astray it leads to catastrophe. Similar way self esteem is good but when it trespasses beyond its exponent variable, it mutate to egoism which is again a jammed road.

Excessive length of upper lip
Small, thin, dry upper lip with emaciated central part
Sharp, parallel perpendicular lines running from base of nose to and cutting through the center of upper lip

Influential family, richness tag, branded wardrobe, servile service, luxury wheels and rainbow life. After all what you can wish for more. But you can ruin it with your own hands in matter of years. Construction requires years of hard work but destruction it is just a glimmer of wrong fraction of second.
Swimming in all heavenly pleasure that a man can afford on the earth, this man had all. But that went high in his cranium that he thought himself to be god.
This so called god feel in love with one of the beautiful denizen of the planet and committed his heart to her. But his family didn’t agree to the girl with humble humdrum existence. They wanted someone of their status. The man stood for his love. Though we can applaud his act but there is a punch here, i.e. execution of his action. His modus operandi was so rogue and revolting that it broke every fragment of ties with his birth family. He stood to his guns that he have the power within to have his individualistic existence. Fast forwarding all the typical Bollywood drama and peeping in his life 5 years later, he was doing not bad at all.
He was married with one kid, one house and blooming business which was still in its teething stage. As they say, old habits die hard. His being Boss image overshadowed everything he did. He liked to sit in the big chair and just give orders rather than sweeping floors for intricate details and loopholes of his enterprise.
As it was expected, his endeavors couldn’t withstand the test of time because of the leakage channels and it collapsed like a house of cards. His wife tried to help him out by using his education accolades and started a small scale boutique. But his bigot thoughts cut short her dream run. The women should be restricted to confinement of house rear children rather than dragging heels for finances.
Eight years down the line, his wife, still walk the guilt road for being the reason of separation of her husband’s family, so she blindly follows the command of her husband though they are in serious financial crunches that is not only affecting their life style but also the future of their two kids.
The man is reluctant to learn and kneel down on the compromise even though he has burned his savings to ashes and still stand in middle of nowhere. All that stands with him is his high self-esteem.

“My ego is my life, both grows in one
Take ego from me and my life is done
My leash, my ego, my dear let me try
For which I live and for which shall I die.”
(Lines from poem ‘Richard II’.)


The prudence says, we should learn lessons from our prior mistakes of past and improvise our future accordingly. But sometimes this basic knowledge of life seems as a proverbial needle in the hay sack and we end up repeatedly, over and over again setting Thames of fire, till everything is grounded to ashes.

                THE FALL OF LUXURY
This man was born rich and he dived in riches even in his youth, till he was dependent on his father and grandfather. But as soon as, it came the time for him to chalk down his future, the numbers on scoreboard and the currency in his accounts got all reversed.
Once upon a time, his carefree self used to wander around the Delhi roads on his screeching preachy Harley with hot babes behind his back and now without any parental support after the death of his father, he was buried neck deep into family responsibilities.
He suffered losses which broke his back and each and everything he possessed was stamp mortgage and with spin of time, sold at dust rates. But still his business could not revive.
One day out of blue moon the gloomy things started to lighten up like the hidden tumors light up on PET scan. Lo and behold his stars started to favor him.
But again you should not stash more than the outskirts of your cover. The man did, what he was not supposed to do. Pull hard on his stars but it was an air bubble which busted soon. When his business started to crawl a little, he loaded it with expenses rather than profit or savings. He bought a new luxurious car on installment, ordered big on raw material, paid double on custom duty to get his work done early and bribed his way through woods, only to find a dense forest ahead.
As soon as the Trans broke, so did his Big Wig Dream and he fell on the ground with over flown debts and big pocket hole. This time the severity of his condition aggravated beyond any treatment, It was fatal.
Now with the gloomy cloud overhead, he dwells on suicidal thoughts finding penance in death.

Ethically answer is no!

Logically the answer is KEEP TRYING!

Hypothetically the answer is always thriving for silver lining.
Brain will keep giving you reasons but mind will always pull you down and it is never ending debate of RIGHT and WRONG.

Dimpled chin
Round ears

Don’t fly too high, that you end up getting your wings burned.