Monday 26 May 2014


                        THE RAPTA-2
Last year, I wrote a blog “The Rapta-one” which boiled down to one point that if you can’t control your tongue you will end up having broken legs but in the “Rapta 2” there comes one more revelation. Along with your tongue it is as much necessary to control your actions or else….

This girl, who is protagonist of this story, comes from a hand to mouth family. Though good in studies but have big grooming dreams for herself. Her only wish is to look the most beautiful girl of her city. Her pockets have only enough, to fulfill her daily needs leaving no room for her preening habits. But she is not the one to give up soon. She runs an extra mile to meet both ends by doing the part time job. The life was smooth and things went on for a while. But suddenly she realized that why to work so hard. With those god blessed killing looks she could prey on any guy and live life like a queen.
The witty girl jumped into the dating game. She double-dated sometimes triple dated to cover her expenses. And the guys who were not worthy for her time, for them she had plan-B to make their pockets loose. Bringing that puppy dog look to her face, she used to concoct any sad story like her mother is sick or it’s the last day to pay his brother’s school fees, etc and etc… and asked them for the monitory help. A boy would be reluctant to spend money on the friends of their gang but if the pretty girl asks them for financial favours, betting their eyes, they won’t say ‘NO’, even if they know that their investment in such case scenario won’t bear them any fruits. This is guy’s psyche about which all the smart girls are aware.
The girl was aware of the statistics and ‘BINGO’ she always won her with epoch style, until one day the tables turn completely on her. She ended up asking money from a very normal looking guy. She thought him to be naive, but sometimes the look could be baffling. The boy lended the amount of twenty five hundred on the pretext of that she urgently required that money to buy medicine for her ailing grandmother and she was three thousand short of the budget. As always, she got the money which she accepted and told him that she would return it but her intensions??
She used that money for rebonding her hairs. And next day wearing pretty baby pink color dress she flaunted her new looks, afterall the whole world was ramp to her. But she didn’t expect to see that guy next day. Such fashion updates don’t run congruent with ailing grandmother excuse.
It didn’t took him long to understand girl’s hoax and instantly asked for his money back. This was the first case scenario that ran so worst. All she did was pleaded for time. All she could get was four days time to pay back.
But still girl was not ready to shead off the money and the boy was not ready to let her go and then started epic time and Jerry chase. It went on for three months.
Finally the boy was done with that girl who was yanking his chain and gave her the ultimatum to return or else…

The girl did what she wanted to do. Once she had a thing, it’s for forever. One fine day, the boy caught her hanging out in the mall with her friends. He followed her and saw her squandering money like a princess. This turned him red like an angry bull. He shadowed her till the evening, till she was alone at the scheduled place and then like a stroke of lightening he appeared in front of her. Already he had wasted time on chit-chat warnings. This is time for the action. He gave her two choices either return his money at very moment or he is ready to forget the mortgage if she accept his one condition.

Things got settled between them. The boy forgot his money and the girl went her own way with a completely red half face and swelled up eyes. It was a tight slap (RAPTA) that boy offered as a settlement amount and the girl accepted it without any further clarification. Accounts were settled, both taken their own roads.

The boy called back the girl in guilt of last day act and apologize her but the girl only inquired that accounts are still considered settled.

Morals are represented by the perpendicular parallel lines running from the septum of the nose to the upper lip cutting it out the center.
When such perpendicular lines are short or hardly evident there is a want of morals and if it is accompanied by small horizontally extended the case become nefarious.

MORAL- Morals should never be compromised, whatever the situation is.

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