Saturday 31 May 2014


Human skeletal system have two hundred and six bones and there are various ways to break them, easy ones are physical injury, accidental fall or deprived bone minerals like calcium, phosphorus etc… etc…
There are plenty touchy and non-touchy, non-violent ways to break them too and in this series of “break bone strategy series” we will illicit these clichés.

Long gone was the era when the words of tongue were worth living and dying for, but today they are forgotten and buried deep into the earth.
Well, this is a story of one such forgotten promise that created a bedlam in the life of a man and broke his heart and neck. [Reminding you again: there is no violence in the story]
The story dates back to the era when the refrigerator, coolers and telephone were the luxury afforded by the rare in the society and those who were the proud of owner of such antiques were runner-ups in league of Tata, Birla and Ambani’s.
It was a village set up. An innocent seventeen year old boy lost his heart to sixteen year old “gaon ki chori”. His advances were equivalently reciprocated and in single year, they became Krishna-Radha couple of the Suburb. The boy was studious, ambitious and courageous. He was pursuing the course of astrology along with his regular studies and enrolled himself in the college for Bachelor’s course in Hindi language.
Girl on the other hand was struggling with her frequent attempt of metric exams. But still she was a hell of day-dreamer and wished for a life of queen. Therefore her beauty responded the Romeo tactics of the scholar of the village. She was taught that education bring brand luxury to life.
It was still a long road for the guy to achieve the flying colors but the thing that was taking the toll of her life was the strife with the girl.
Frequent failures in studies and touching eighteen age was making her parents anxious for her marriage. Since the boy child didn’t qualify as perfect groom, her parents were exploring other options.
The boy went pleading to her parents for a consideration but was treated with a deaf ear response. He met the girl with his anxieties and she assured him, her loyalty.
Six more months passed in the tug of war that finally the news of the girl’s espousal.

He waited for hours and hours and hours for his lady love at the railway station but she didn’t appeared. From dawn to dusk he stood on one leg, palpating heart and fearful brain but love of his life was not visible. Fearfully he rushed to her house but to his utter surprise the girl was married to the groom her parents choose for her.
He felt on the ground with tears gushing out of his eyes. His emotions wrenching his heart and in complete despair he cursed his destiny.
May be there was the perfect logical reason for his girl’s act, how in any possibility came as a thunderstorm in the life of the boy.
At midnight, he again met the girl at the secret spot and she still voiced for her altruistic love for him. She told him that this matrimony was an eye wash and in reality she was ready to run away with the boy.
The boy who was mad in love was even ready for such adjustment too. Finally it was decided that on the day for her marriage she would run away with her lover and they will marry in the temple and have their adventurous happily ever after. Boy made all arrangements by lavishly spending all his meager savings. He even booked tickets to Kashmir for the honeymoon.
Of the world, would she ditch him? She must have been forced for it. But his entire trance was broken when after one month he got the girl’s letter, she wrote it clearly that she married the guy out of her pure wish and the runaway plan was to keep him at bay, so that the wedding affairs could go velvety smooth. She loved him but she loved herself more, and since it would take years before the boy to establish his footings, she can’t accept more struggle in life, she took the decision. Her groom was well off rich of the town, who could buy her all stars in the sky. She chose worldly happiness over love. She requested him not to follow her and have life of his own.
The last straw of his hope swam away in the flooding water. Everything he ever lived for was taken away. His life, his ambition and his happiness.

He is a local astrologer in a town’s local temple. He was a bright student with a shiny future but after that incident lost interest in studies and could, only manage a meager degrees which kept him off shore prohibiting him to swim in deep seas.
Though he is married and now has sons and daughter-in-laws and grand kids but its all part of superficial happiness not his inner peace. Not even a single day passes he doesn’t remember her lady love and the black day of her marriage that changed his destiny. The reason why he is not able to forget it because since that day he suffered from broken heart and the chronic cervical spondylisics [chronic neck pain].

It is not an absurd idea or any hypothesis. Skeletal system of our body is basically a support system of our body lithe.
And once, when the feeling of support and trust is hindered from us in any form, this tents starts to dents and body loses its postures; and so this happened in this case too.

Whenever we have cases related to joint complaints like osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis or Multiple Joints involvement, lumbago (chronic back pain), slip disc, cervical spondyolitis we look for following triggering factors:-
GENETICS (HLA B27 related auto immune disorder)
INJURY – Mechanical (accidental)
Acute disease causing long lasting changes like chikanguniya, dengue etc
Psyche level loss of support, feeling of lover.

Check out next week in the same series about phrenology concept of skeletal system and intruging details about one of the red flag.

Monday 26 May 2014


                        THE RAPTA-2
Last year, I wrote a blog “The Rapta-one” which boiled down to one point that if you can’t control your tongue you will end up having broken legs but in the “Rapta 2” there comes one more revelation. Along with your tongue it is as much necessary to control your actions or else….

This girl, who is protagonist of this story, comes from a hand to mouth family. Though good in studies but have big grooming dreams for herself. Her only wish is to look the most beautiful girl of her city. Her pockets have only enough, to fulfill her daily needs leaving no room for her preening habits. But she is not the one to give up soon. She runs an extra mile to meet both ends by doing the part time job. The life was smooth and things went on for a while. But suddenly she realized that why to work so hard. With those god blessed killing looks she could prey on any guy and live life like a queen.
The witty girl jumped into the dating game. She double-dated sometimes triple dated to cover her expenses. And the guys who were not worthy for her time, for them she had plan-B to make their pockets loose. Bringing that puppy dog look to her face, she used to concoct any sad story like her mother is sick or it’s the last day to pay his brother’s school fees, etc and etc… and asked them for the monitory help. A boy would be reluctant to spend money on the friends of their gang but if the pretty girl asks them for financial favours, betting their eyes, they won’t say ‘NO’, even if they know that their investment in such case scenario won’t bear them any fruits. This is guy’s psyche about which all the smart girls are aware.
The girl was aware of the statistics and ‘BINGO’ she always won her with epoch style, until one day the tables turn completely on her. She ended up asking money from a very normal looking guy. She thought him to be naive, but sometimes the look could be baffling. The boy lended the amount of twenty five hundred on the pretext of that she urgently required that money to buy medicine for her ailing grandmother and she was three thousand short of the budget. As always, she got the money which she accepted and told him that she would return it but her intensions??
She used that money for rebonding her hairs. And next day wearing pretty baby pink color dress she flaunted her new looks, afterall the whole world was ramp to her. But she didn’t expect to see that guy next day. Such fashion updates don’t run congruent with ailing grandmother excuse.
It didn’t took him long to understand girl’s hoax and instantly asked for his money back. This was the first case scenario that ran so worst. All she did was pleaded for time. All she could get was four days time to pay back.
But still girl was not ready to shead off the money and the boy was not ready to let her go and then started epic time and Jerry chase. It went on for three months.
Finally the boy was done with that girl who was yanking his chain and gave her the ultimatum to return or else…

The girl did what she wanted to do. Once she had a thing, it’s for forever. One fine day, the boy caught her hanging out in the mall with her friends. He followed her and saw her squandering money like a princess. This turned him red like an angry bull. He shadowed her till the evening, till she was alone at the scheduled place and then like a stroke of lightening he appeared in front of her. Already he had wasted time on chit-chat warnings. This is time for the action. He gave her two choices either return his money at very moment or he is ready to forget the mortgage if she accept his one condition.

Things got settled between them. The boy forgot his money and the girl went her own way with a completely red half face and swelled up eyes. It was a tight slap (RAPTA) that boy offered as a settlement amount and the girl accepted it without any further clarification. Accounts were settled, both taken their own roads.

The boy called back the girl in guilt of last day act and apologize her but the girl only inquired that accounts are still considered settled.

Morals are represented by the perpendicular parallel lines running from the septum of the nose to the upper lip cutting it out the center.
When such perpendicular lines are short or hardly evident there is a want of morals and if it is accompanied by small horizontally extended the case become nefarious.

MORAL- Morals should never be compromised, whatever the situation is.

Monday 12 May 2014


                                  THE ACT OF VALOR
the chivalrous knight {Movie= 300} 
Chivalry is the trade mark of the brave knights. But, does the definition of the brave knight have always to be the one with the shining armour in one hand and the sword in other?

They say, the relationship is all premeditated in heaven but this is the unique story where the two eternal consorts met in Vrindavan.
Let’s begin from beginning. He was a small boy, blessed with a sharp brain. With a middle class upbringing, he had just stepped into his teenage that his family faced the hell’s fury when his father was diagnosed with Drug Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis (lungs TB). Any number of treatments was not helping him much and gradually his lungs begin to deflate and finally one day he collapsed completely. That day or probably the previous days of his father’s trials he decided to become a doctor. So that he won’t feel as helpless as his fourteen year lithe feels now.
The boy took the route to the hostel and mother was attracted to bhakti marg and had frequent visits to vrindavan. Burning the night lamp, the boy made his way to the medical college. Six years down the line, he was out as a naïve doctor but he didn’t halted there. He went making the ways through the forest, cutting all the weeds, adding colorful feathers to success to his hat. And finally after years of patience became the man who save the people in absolute danger to life. He is an ICU consultant in one of the eminent hospital of Delhi. He is much respected for his knight in shining armour act.
His mother, now want to truly devote herself in serving Krishna. The only peril in her path was to get his son married. So, one fine day she prayed to Krishna and magically a beautiful girl appeared in front of her paying her obeisance to the deity. But before she could swim across the crowd of devotees, the girl, so magnificent and perfect to be her son’s bride dissolved in the ocean of people. The boy’s mother could only manage to crop up tiniest information about her, that she was a disciple of some guru of vrindavan. She rushed there to catch up with her but for days she waited with the guru, the girl didn’t click at her radar.
This was the era where the mobile phones haven’t made in roads to people pocket and telephone boxes remain out of order most time of the year. There was no way that Krishna send girl could be contacted. The poor mother left the message with the guru that in case that girl appears again, she should be informed. The mother waited for one whole year for that girl to again appear and thus after the long wait the whole thing went with the highway speed. [This is the most magnificent story of Krishna made couple, I have ever heard]
The girl was the eldest in the family of two brothers and two sisters. The two families were happy with this eposual. Everything went perfect till the hell broke loose the girl’s family. After the girl’s marriage, the eldest brother fell in love and married to his love interest.  But the love bubble blurted soon and was bankrupt going through the divorce preceadings. This shock was not yet over that the girl’s youngest sister who married couple of months back was suddenly hospitalized. She had conceived but due to complications she started with the bleeding and the baby was aborted. They went to console her but the revelation by her left them inconsolable. Her husband was having an extra martial affair and the abortion was not the spontaneous one but was the result of domestic violence. The family sat under the naked sword of another divorce. The blow was too much for their mother’s weak heart and exactly two months later after another divorce of the family, she died in her sleep. The shock wave de-mylated the father badly that he was bed ridden with hemiplageia [Half sided paralysis]. And all this time, the doctor boy stood shoulder to shoulder with his parallel family.
He funded his elder brother-in-law business and helped him to stand on his feet again. He not only extended the helping hand in his mother-in-law treatment till her very end but also bearing the expenses of his father-in-law, best possible treatment. He pry the sister-in-law to pursue a teaching course which in an year time got her a good job in the school. He helped her to cope up with depression and gave her new hope and reason to live her life again to its fullest.
May be he haven’t won any battles in the war but he stood as the spine to the whole family in distress well, that’s what he promised himself at the burning pyre of his father. To give hope to hopeless, never to feel hapless ever.

-          Fuller portion of the chin below the lip
-          Full and moist lower lip
The knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows no fear
His blade defend the helpless
His might upholds the weak
His words only speak the truth
His wrath undoes the wicked.

Saturday 3 May 2014



 They are the patients who show distortion and disintegration of the personality. They lose sense of reality, frequently lives in the world of phantasm and their beliefs are not amenable to resolved explanation.

In minor form they represent as:-
Anxiety neurosis
Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis
Abnormal Behavior without gross Psychotic symptoms

In major form Mental Illness:-
State of excitement, transient or continuous mania
Mental depression and retardation and melancholia
Apathy with change of personality-schizophrenia
A persistent idea of persecution-paranoia
Addiction to alcohol and drugs
Persistent delirium
Progressive mental deterioration and dementia

Pinched nose (especially appreciated at its tip).

I will not keep you guessing what happened to the protagonist of the story. Well, nothing happened. Neither girl lost her virginity, nor the boy had the vasectomy and not even the relationship headed off to break-up. All things still hang with a fear that it could be a break up soon.
Things have been suspended for a while as the girl went crying to his elder brother and told him the tale of her misery and begged him to do the needful.
It was his effort that put some wisdom into the guy’s brain. Though he is settled for now but at the end all the things boil down to one question, TILL HOW LONG WILL THIS CONTINUE? ? ?

“Lust, Anger and Greed are three doors to hell, no sane person degrade himself opening these doors.”