Thursday 4 October 2012

The three forbidden doors [ part—1 ]

 The three forbidden doors
                  [ part—1 ]

The history of the world is filled with stories of men and women of extra- ordinary strength with which they remarkably covered their path from rags to riches. Luck bestowed all her benediction on them, made their every decision a milestone to their success, but what happens when the luck suddenly takes a sharp u- turn.

Long back ago, there was this boy born in a much expanded joint middle class family. Studied in government school and was expected by family to take government job. But this very hard working guy was a dreamer, had big expectation in his life and was unquestionably not settling for less. He was the chosen one to dare to dare at each and every step in his life. He always dreams to be on the top and he was ready to pay any price for it.
To fancy his folks he got himself the government job, but was not satisfied and strived to do something new, different, profitable, making him rich overnight, getting him much deserved name and fame. He kept searching and one day, as faith had it, he found one.
Way back in those days, when our protagonist was young, technology was not common household name. There was no luxury of computers, mobiles, lap tops or i-pads. Technology was making inroads into naïve Indian market. To make investment in it was too risky, as its faith laid on principle of uncertainty. But someone has to do it, so it happen to be our hero, who invested five years of job saving into machine used for diagnosing brain disorders. That diagnostic machine was patriarch of today’s C T scan and MRI machines. But at that time it was newbie like our, expected to do well but still under scanner of uncertainty.
His father almost died of heart attack and mother went into transient ischemic attack on hearing their son’s immature deeds. Too, much of their horror their son decided to quit his well settled government job with fixed salary and opted to be a salesman to endorse his new found technology personally to different hospitals.

Muscular face –open to new ideas, flexible and adaptable to circumstances
Dense hair growth on head – enthusiastic, zeal and risk taking, obstinate
Broad forehead – good memory
Bushy eyebrows finely shading eyes – strong executive and observation qualities
Wide space between the terminus of eyebrows and outer corner of eye- good arithmetical calculation
Big bright eyes – eloquent, linguistic skills
Good amount of muscular filling between the eyebrows – self will
Convex nose like shape of the beak of the bird – commercial nose
Tip of the nose broad and well curved at diameter –sublimity and ideality
Tip of nose pointing downward – good artistic qualities
Good upper lip length – self esteem
Well formed upper and lower lip – amative qualities
Averagely developed cheeks – lack of interest in food and drinks
Small perpendicular lines running down from nose to center of lips- average modesty
Oval chin with slight protruding – conscientiousness along with firmness
Dimpled chin – aristocratic along with secret desire to be admired
Round and small muscular ears – good hearing power, open to ideas of others

As the cards of destiny unfold, our young handsome protagonist quit his job and landed on the thresh-hold of neurological department of one of the renowned hospital of that time. The father and the daughter duo, both neurosurgeons, father being head of department heard the young man patiently. Father had doubts about the both newbie {the man and the machine} but his daughter has surrendered to deadly charms, more of the man and negligible of the machine, but spoke conversely to convince her father for the machine and indirectly for the man behind it.
The timing was perfect, it was February and leap year, the arrows of cupid are infallible at that time and would never ever miss its mark. It just took couple of months, precisely twenty eight dates, one hundred twenty four roses and ultimately a golden band with a sapphire to seal the love. They got married in September that year.
The lady luck came as the bonanza to our hero. The technology became a hit overnight and with financial and experience of his wife’s father he opened a diagnostic center and he just strike gold. The obedient and much in love wife left her neuro practice and joined her husband into family business, bringing high flavored medical vocabulary to it to convince more and more people. And in no time he had the chain of diagnostic centers in hotspots cities. Our hero became a brand in himself and a household name. Two years down the line he became father to a baby boy followed by a baby girl two years later.
The life was a roller-costar ride, up and up it went. And it seemed they were destined to live happily ever after, BUT….
Why is there always the “but” after every happily after, I personally hate these buts.

Success was at its feet and our hero became puffed up with power and ego. He became so bewitched that he forgot from where he started. He was on the seventh heaven and felt not less than, “Alexander the great”.
His needs became more vivid and when they couldn’t be satisfied in the domestic environment, he ventured out. His licentiousness became unbridled and he knocked the FIRST FORBIDDEN DOOR OF LUST and widely opens it. 

He found himself in midst of young attractive women drooling over the power and money attached to his iconic name. Not for one second it clicked to him that there is love of her life waiting for him, the one who came when he had nothing and who sacrificed everything so that his hands become full. His late nights made his wife suspicious and created a crater of differences between them. At first he tried to conceal it with his thespian skills but truth can’t remain hidden for long. Frequent fights made him find solace in his mistress on one side and tequila in other.

As he pumped himself with the vices of the universe, his work become to suffer and he became more frustrated and at that instant he knocked the SECOND FORBIDDEN DOOR OF ANGER and opens it widely. No amount of meditation or anger management course could bridle, the once dormant anger, busted out after opening of the second forbidden door. He was bestowed with unworthy names like NAZI or HITLER by his sub- ordinates.
He lost his magic and his diabolic nature led to sabotage of his business which once he build with his own very hands. He couldn’t afford to lose it now as he became addicted to his luxurious lifestyle and started to find means to get easy money. And in behest of it tainted will he knocked the final and the THIRD FORBIDDEN DOOR OF GREED and open it widely.

These three doors were like a vicious web of the Spanish spider which you can enter but never ever could leave. One after other things lead to more sabotage and finally there is nothing left to destroy, until then the process goes on nonstop. They are not some ordinary doors but THREE FORBIDDEN DOORS TO HELL.

They say face is like a mirror, whatever spins in your mind depicts clearly on your face, and even the minutest and subtle change in your conscience and this natural law of evolution was applied to our protagonist.

Face became dried, cheeks sucked in and maxillary {cheek bone} became prominent – dyspeptic looks
Once hairy head lost all its fine locks and appeared like grossly deforested land – zeal and ambitiousness subdued with monotonous activity
Forehead started to frown permanently with lassitude lines covering its whole breathe – paranoid, insecurities and fretting about future
Busy eyebrows and well shading supraciliry ridges persistent – leadership and executive qualities intact
Eyes became small and extended horizontally at its outer angle – wanton eyes full of lust
Fine oblique wrinkles appeared on side of nose {rarely appearing lines but when appear signifies deep meaning} – malicious and knavish hard core nature
Narrow chin – lack of conscientiousness
Shriveled lips – decrease empathy, more lust
Corners of lips irregular and pointed downwards – diabolical and selfishness
Chin pointed at the end and start to project forward remarkably – avarice

Tequila and Viagra started to show their colors on his once 6’ lithe framework. His shoulders drooped and spine started to curve at age of forty. But we can’t underestimate him that he could still conceal his diabolic, knavish and tainted self under his fine thespian skills and exhibit every wrinkle on vise on his face as the lines of wisdom and prudence gain after years and years of hard work. He still managed to be a hero, but it was very short lived.

The anecdote doesn’t end here; check out what happens to our protagonist next week in next post. It would be worst of your imaginations, I promise, so just keep guessing……….

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