Sunday 7 October 2012

The three forbidden doors [part – 11]

The three forbidden doors
                  [part – 11]

Man, is god’s most favorite creation, that god made him mirror image of himself. So anything that leaves the hand of god should be as pure as him, but the question arises how then man became so corrupt?
According to Christian faith, corruption paved its route long back when the first man of earth Adam committed the original sin, eating the prohibited apple from prohibited tree of prohibited garden of heaven leading to great fall. Adam’s first disobedience laid the fecund soil for tainted human minds.


Abstinence is the key word. God ask us to follow it, but our disobedience to his order tangled us more and more into miseries. Our hero couldn’t follow it and knocked and widely opened three forbidden doors of hell and his sufferings were inevitable.
The first stroke came as the divorce with his devoted wife along with that he lost the custody of his kids to their mother under the law.
He couldn’t get time to recover from it that second stroke of his life came when suddenly he suffered from huge business losses and he went into debts. What an irony of faith, years back he became rich overnight and years after he became penniless over a short span of time. The crowd that was gathered around him because of name, fame and wealth started to disperse and finally one day he was deserted in the whole world.
Once regarded as epitome of success and strength, succumbed to unworthy desires of his mind. Was it too much for him to bear or was it his vices that came around in front of him that his health became to deteriorate and he started to present gross symptoms which were diagnosed as Paralytic Dementia, also called as GENERAL PARALYSIS OF INSANE {GPI}.
GPI is syphilitic inflammation and generation of nerve cell and blood vessels happens after ten or twelve years after initial infection of syphilis {one of the sexually transmitted disorder}. The cerebral convolution are shrunken {especially frontal and temporal lobes whose main function is to maintain behavioral and memory faculty} and localized cortical atrophy leading impairments of mortar functions. The characteristic symptoms and signs are changes in personality, impairment of memory, delusional ideas, tremors, papillary changes, speech defect, paralysis, finally convulsions and general weakness.
Day after day his condition worsened, with no one to take proper care of and with no money for proper medical aid, his body started to degenerate.
Was it benediction of lord in the time of misery that his dementia became so bad that he couldn’t remember what he was once, what he had once and how he lost it all and hence saved him to feel horribly sorry for himself.
He was lonely and with no sane mind and at the age of 49 he found the ultimate penance in death.

According to material eyes his suffering ended with death but who knows what happen thereafter, no one have come back and shared experiences about it. But the authoritative scriptures like “SRIMAD BHAGVATAM” and “GARUR PURAN” have details of afterlife according to Hindu faith and mythology.
Heaven or hell, I don’t know, but what goes around comes back in same package, our karma’s are like a paycheck, whether or not we like it, we have to pay it back.


There are three doors leading to hell – lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to degeneration of soul.”  {BHAGAVAD GITA 16.21}

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