Tuesday 25 September 2012


In summer of 2009 a medical student passed out of college and became a newbie doctor. She sat in her clinic with zeal to prove her skills to the world. Along with the adrenal drives her experience start to enhance each and every day with each and every patient. She was new, yet confident that she had seen enough of the world  and had fair deal of knowledge of human nature, moreover her sixth sense or gut feeling can never betray her in judging the people she meets in the society or the one’s that come as the patients. With same alertness and confidence she continued seeing the patients.

AUTUM 2009
Couple of months later in the fall of 2009, entered in her clinic, a tall man, around 5’11” or 6’ probably with lean and dried physique in his early fifties.
Earthy brown skin tone, bend shoulders, receding hairline exposing the extensive forehead highlighted with deep lines of conscientiousness, protruding supra-celliary ridges {bone under the eyebrows} shadowing the small elongated eyes, turning downwards at it’s outer corner. Long elongated thin nose with it’s tip pointing downwards, thin lips and their outer corner pointing downward. Chin narrow, cheeks sucked inside, exposing demarcation of maxillary bone {cheek bone}. His long ears rested peacefully on his juiced out face.
The man had undergone angiography recently and since then feared of dying of cardiac arrest {heart attack}. His angio had gone fine and further investigation suggested he was perfectly normal but the fear still lingered in his sub-conscious mind. Instead of diagnosing any pathology in vicinity of heart, the doctor diagnosed him with anxiety neurosis which could indirectly aggravate his cardiac condition.
He was treated for his anxiety and responded well to the treatment.

Around Christmas, he felt much better and out of obligation in mellifluous tone said, “doc, you have been good to me, listened me patiently and treated me well. I am a stock broker and there have been news, very confidential news, that there would be certain jump in the market rate of certain stocks. I want you to invest in it and in little span of time your money would be double. Trust me doc, I am good at it and swear to god I want to prove my worth to you and be useful to you in anyway, it would really make me feel good.”   He kept on trying to peruse the doc with his innuendo-es.

Doc’s sixth sense mojo
·         Receding hairline – intelligence
·         Broad forehead – good brain
·         Deep horizontal furrows of forehead – honesty, integrity, morality, conscientiousness
·         Bulging supra-cillary ridges – acumen observation
·         Long nose – carefulness
·         Outer corner of eyes running bit downward – persuasiveness
·         Long ears – scientific mind set
·         Brad head and narrow chin – witty, smartness

Doctor fetched out 10,000 bucks and siphoned them to the stock endorsed by the broker.

Early march brought spring in it’s full blown form, that could be witnessed from black tainted glass door of doctor’s chamber, but the picture was reverse inside. Doctor lost all her money in the stock market except 169 bucks that was so bravely saved by the broker.
Doctor couldn’t believe, didn’t sleep for few nights and her brain failed to understand where she went wrong in reading that man.

·         Juiced out face – lack of domestic traits {turned out that Mr. Stock broker was childless}, hence rapacious and greedy.
·         Pinched nose – lack of oxygen to brain, limited positive ideas for growth.
·         Lips thin and corner turned downward at same time irregular corner – parsimonious mouth, rapacity and greed.
·         Biggest blunder reading sign of conscientiousness – it’s most prominent marker is on the chin, broader the chin, more this trait is present. Its secondary sign can be deep horizontal furrows running the whole breath forehead, but in case of Mr. Stock broker, they were residual lines of his frequent anxiety attacks of dying of heart attack.
·         Excessive outward projecting chin {missed to be noted earlier, but much evident from lateral view of Mr. Stock broker} – avarice, dishonesty.
·         Broad forehead and pointed chin – proposition stand true for smart witty persons, but Mr. Stock broker turned out to be too smart for the so called ingenious doctor {pun intended}.

Doctor happened to be me and patient happened to be one of my initial patients.
Money in the stock market, what a naive me, Plundered it all, what a knave he?

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