Thursday 20 September 2012

Like To Dislike

            like to dislike
Just looking at random faces, you can get enough information about the person. Look is not just mere glance, but deep and thorough observation.
Let me describe you one random face that I happen to see in the Delhi metro. A girl standing in front of me, would be 5’ 1” or 5’2” from the ground level, block heels included, probably in last year of her teen, wearing a baby pink top and black ankle length denim. Her black hair run down till her shoulder, small trenches loosely tucked at both sides.
Adipose deposit on her arms peeped out of her half sleeves top but thoroughly concealed on abdomen by her pink top though synchronous with the baby fat on her cheeks.
  Earthy complexion, clear skin, brown eyeballs laid in small eyes sockets, arched eyebrows, pinched nose, small mouth with thin upper and lower lips, receding chin and round small ears trying to hide beneath her black locks.

Face value
Now from the information, let us decipher the unknown.
Small eyes restrict large amount of light {also personified as thoughts, ideas} to reach her system, as well as the pinched nose limiting the air to her lungs hence rendering brain oxygen deprived hence being a big obstacle for ingenious use. Further adding the misery to the system is small mouth with thin lips showing impoverished nutritional habits, relying more on unwholesome dainties evincing widely distributed adipose tissue, but at same time exposing the niggard- lines and rapacious deeds of selfishness. Receding chin shows lack of firmness and perseverance. Her earthy complexion and blackness of hair intensifies all her traits. {as a rule, darker the color, more intense are the traits}

Matrix decoded
The sum total depicts the personality who is less thoughtful for others, leave aside accepting their ideas; she is always fault finder, sarcastic and knave at same time lack ability to create their own accords. Typical breed of humans who “LIKE TO DISLIKE”.
Her ongoing conversation with her accompaniment or so called friend proved my point. The poor accompaniment was intermediated by her that her part of conversation include taciturn reply and she couldn’t  let go her bag which she was tightly hugging {to close her body language either to console her being there with her or defending herself from sarcastic vocabulary}

Bereft yourself from “like to dislike” personalities.
Make friends with caution,they are your treasured possession.


  1. different faces have different can we know all the ciphers indiactions?

  2. definitely, not all faces are same,thats why it requires deep observation, analysis and use of both inductive and deductive logic. as i say,"you have to CUT, OPEN AND SUTURE". the work of logic and analysis have already done by the wizards of this field all we have to do is to do is to locate those anatomical land mark on the face and match with the thoroughly analyzed data we have. wait patiently i have more to tell you about the tales of faces and slowly you will develop your own eagle's eye to detect and decipher them. thank you for your question. have a nice day.
