Monday 1 August 2016


It’s not wrong to be upset
July 21, 2016 Jagriti Bathla
#CubsCorner #Inspirational
We cry. Why? Has something gone wrong with us? We often try to control our emotions. Sometimes we cry because of a reason we get hurt or may be because of something that touched our heart. We keep on trying to control, but tears came out from our eyes.
Let us take an example from our real life. If someone ditches you, you start crying. Why? Because a person who hurts you maybe so special to you. So tears came out at that time. Well, it is tough when someone special starts ignoring, but it is even tougher when we try to pretend that we don’t care.
We also cry at times when we watch some movies. Some scenes in it move us and touches our heart to make us cry. At times when tears come out from your eyes, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are feeling bad.  It could merely mean that you are trying to understand the emotions or something touched your heart. Another example is when tears come in a form of happiness.  Maybe you have achieved something or got something that you are looking for a long time and finally achieved it. Well another example can be your memories. Sometimes you think of old memories and tears come out because maybe those are some special moments that you can spend with your family, friends or anyone who is close to you. Apart from these there are many more examples of tears of joy that you can get from your real life.
We often hear or we are told that we have to control our emotions. We are never taught to let all our emotions flow. To let it come out in a form of tears, so that we feel relaxed. It is only then we come to know that a huge amount of pressure from us has gone away.
Yet there are some people who don’t cry. But that doesn’t mean they don’t get hurt, or they are not suffering. And some people are there who hide all their emotions and put a smile on their face every time. Why? Because they don’t want people around them to be sad, they want people to be always happy . They believe that sometimes our smile can make people to forget their problems.
Tears also come out when we get stuck into a problem. So don’t panic at that time. Hope for the best. And try to find the solution to get out of it. Well don’t blame yourself for this pain. Have some patience. Maybe, some day this pain will be useful to you and also be a lesson of your life. If it seems like everything is going wrong and will never be right again, remember one thing that even the darkest nights must give way to day.
If you have something in your mind, and you think that sharing that with others or someone who you trust will cool you down and can get you a solution, then please share it. Sometimes sharing our problems, our feelings can get us a solution . It also helps ease a burden or stress that needs to go away from your life.

Cry if you want to cry, laugh if you want to laugh. Don’t carry a huge amount of pressure within yourself. That pressure will simply mean that you are welcoming stress to come in your life. When you quit fearing pain, when you learn to love the pain, you will lose all fear of everything. Let the emotions came out and the stress goes away. Share your emotions with others if you can and let happiness take a turn into your life. We have only one life. Live your life freely without regrets. And make your life as simple as you can.

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