Tuesday 30 August 2016


“If you don’t offer a rose, how are you going to get one?” I always tell my friend, whenever we go to pay our obeisance at Krsna’s temple.
Isn’t it a simple maths, uncontaminated, twenty four carets pure maths!
And that’s what our subconscious brain understands! Our subconscious is too naive to go into the depth of the calculus, algebra’s and permutation and combinations of our daily life chaos, though it has the unlimited power to work miracles. Its modus operandi depends upon the crude face value words or I must admit, each and every syllable generated by our conscious brain.
A superhero of our brain without his own brains at its disposal, what an irony of fate!
Isn’t this scenario dangerous?
Of course it is!
It’s like being strapped to dynamite, waiting for it to explode, even though we know how to diffuse it but yet we are not diffusing it. What a pun brain!
Do you know that for every given single thought of our conscious brain, our subconscious can relinquish minimum 450 ways of getting it into execution? Please mind it 450 is the minimum limit I am talking about.
So for example, if your conscious brain generate a thought like, “my life is a disaster.”
Your subconscious would trigger a process of giving you minimum 450 options in hand, ready to use manoeuvres to turn your life into a great disaster. And then also you end up taking some fashionable pride of being the fore-teller Oracle, “see, I told you, my life is a disaster!”
It was not like your life was a disaster but you actually end up axing your own legs, per say.
That’s the problem, this genie out of the magic lamp takes everything as a whole rather than taking it as the sum total of different life situations that pop up at our radar. It flunk’s in deciphering. And that’s what is called the GESTALT THEORY!
So the grass root level problem is that our very own human brain is a set of so many negative emotions of commotions like anger, hatred, enmity, jealousy and what not. But according to Gestalt, anger is going to feed more anger and so is hatred and so all the emotions. It’s a vicious circle!
Gestalt nae lagga di, yaar! {Gestalt has screwed us all.}
But there is a loophole in it.
so that old Hindi song, "tum ek paissa doge, vo das lakh degga"
actually really works. its too based on Gestalt psychology.
Don’t worry, get a new connection for your brain, GET A 4G!
The most reliable 4G network available for the brain wiring.
Try it, results are guaranteed. 
hare krsna!

Sunday 14 August 2016


the heropanti model of our brain

 look at the choice of movies done by actors 
Salman Khan= dabang, kick, sultan.... all aggressive sort and hence our amygdala represent it. 
Shah rukh Khan {SRK}= DDLJ, all romantic stuff.... our hippocampus gyrus is a romantic database of our brain 
aamir Khan= Tare zameen par, PK, 3 Idiots..... all the logic stuff, that's our pre frontal cortex 
The Big B= amitabh Bachan= he is mostly a narrator or major link in the stories, the kind of the script controller and that's what our hypothalmus does, it's the big boss controlling our body



UNFUCKWITHABLE- the word originated from internet which means, when u r truly at peace and in touch with yourself. nothing anyone says or does bothers you and no negativity can touch you.
 how to be unfuckwithable is by 
living in present moment 
telling yourself 'i 'm enough!" to deal with anyone and any problem 
most importantly by forgiveness

Monday 1 August 2016


                                             THE MONK AND THE LADY
Once upon the time, very long back, a monk stepped into the city of fortune, on the first day of Chaturmas. Effulgence of his youth displayed like the molten gold, a complete contrast to his tattered clothes. He though to take refuge in the walls of the city of fortune as the forest was flooded with the monsoon rains. In one corner of the temple on the outskirts of the city, he sat in the trance of the holy name indifferent to the richness the city offered.
There in the inwards lanes of luxury, stayed the most beautiful courtesan who was to have thought to have drunk from the fountain of youth and was considered as the celestial nymph from the kingdom of Zeus in the heaven. She was the royal dancer and no men in the city and beyond it’s wall had the calibre to have her attention even for a jiffy.
Every morning the lady of heavenly beauty walked with royalty to the temple at the outskirts of the city and so she did today also but for the very first time found herself staring a man. Though it was a rare phenomenon but the breaking news was that the man completely ignored his existence.
She walked in the temple and out, still unnoticed. Her anklet echoed in the compound, unheard. Her bangles cooed in the ears of onlookers but they too fell on the deaf ears. Finally she volunteered for self introduction on pretence of offering the prasadam. The monk opened his eyes, claim the prasadam and paying the obeisance at her feet said, “Thank you, mother!” and went back into his trance.
She could have died of the cardiac arrest for what she just heard. Boiling in anger she went away. The monk didn’t even have the courtesy to take a glance at her face. She can’t give up like that. She was the incarnation of goddess of beauty, she can’t be embarrassed like that and next day as she walked to the temple she was much more decorated and perfumed than before. She was confident to have the attention of the monk in the tattered clothing.
Lo and behold, she had the same fate for over and over again. For four months of chaturmas till the monk lived in the walls of the holy shrine, she walked the street with the latest summer, monsoon and autumn fashion in a dire need to make him lift his eyes up.
As the season was closing and it was the time for the monk to leave the shades of city and to finally reclaim back his position among the creepers under the star laden sky, the lady decided to aim her cupid arrow.
So this time as soon as the monk claimed his prasadam and before he could go in trance, she held his chin and forced his vision up to her face and said, “Why do you call me mother?”
“Because you have fed me,” was the simple reply from the monk.
Controlling her anger she went again, “Are you blind or was born stupid that you can’t notice me? I am no one mother. Men in this town are madden by my single glance and you wrecked cursed soul didn’t even bother to see me, as if I was invisible.”
“My apologies mother to your holy feet. Please forgive me.”
“Will you stop calling me mother..... Listen Boy, it’s not every day I do this but this maybe yours once in the lifetime opportunity. Come stay with me and enjoy me and you don’t have to worry about going into jungle ever. I will give you all the happiness in the world that is beyond any speck of your imagination. What do you think of the offer?”
The monk smiled and said, “That’s very generous of you mother. Thank you but I have to decline it.”
“Oh! You cursed creature on the planet, you have no respect for the women. I am providing you the promise of prosperity and you still choose to rot in hell. Go burn your youth in the inferno.” She was furious.
“As you say mother but since you wished me to stay with you, I will definitely come back but only when the time will be right, till then I will take your leave.” And the monk took his begging bowl and walked away in the withered belongings.
Many summers, winters, rains, autumn and spring painted the city and went away. Insult of the courtesan faded away from the memory of people and the life continued in it’s different shade. And in the year of the Lord, the monk, again stepped in the city of fortune. Though the things had changed but the time couldn’t dot it’s signature on his molten simplicity. But instead of entering the gates he walked swiftly towards the ruin at the corner. He adjured the broken door and walked straight to the plague plunged withered body of human soul in tattered sheets.
He bent and touched her feet and said, “Look mother, I have come to stay with you!”


It’s not wrong to be upset
July 21, 2016 Jagriti Bathla
#CubsCorner #Inspirational
We cry. Why? Has something gone wrong with us? We often try to control our emotions. Sometimes we cry because of a reason we get hurt or may be because of something that touched our heart. We keep on trying to control, but tears came out from our eyes.
Let us take an example from our real life. If someone ditches you, you start crying. Why? Because a person who hurts you maybe so special to you. So tears came out at that time. Well, it is tough when someone special starts ignoring, but it is even tougher when we try to pretend that we don’t care.
We also cry at times when we watch some movies. Some scenes in it move us and touches our heart to make us cry. At times when tears come out from your eyes, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are feeling bad.  It could merely mean that you are trying to understand the emotions or something touched your heart. Another example is when tears come in a form of happiness.  Maybe you have achieved something or got something that you are looking for a long time and finally achieved it. Well another example can be your memories. Sometimes you think of old memories and tears come out because maybe those are some special moments that you can spend with your family, friends or anyone who is close to you. Apart from these there are many more examples of tears of joy that you can get from your real life.
We often hear or we are told that we have to control our emotions. We are never taught to let all our emotions flow. To let it come out in a form of tears, so that we feel relaxed. It is only then we come to know that a huge amount of pressure from us has gone away.
Yet there are some people who don’t cry. But that doesn’t mean they don’t get hurt, or they are not suffering. And some people are there who hide all their emotions and put a smile on their face every time. Why? Because they don’t want people around them to be sad, they want people to be always happy . They believe that sometimes our smile can make people to forget their problems.
Tears also come out when we get stuck into a problem. So don’t panic at that time. Hope for the best. And try to find the solution to get out of it. Well don’t blame yourself for this pain. Have some patience. Maybe, some day this pain will be useful to you and also be a lesson of your life. If it seems like everything is going wrong and will never be right again, remember one thing that even the darkest nights must give way to day.
If you have something in your mind, and you think that sharing that with others or someone who you trust will cool you down and can get you a solution, then please share it. Sometimes sharing our problems, our feelings can get us a solution . It also helps ease a burden or stress that needs to go away from your life.

Cry if you want to cry, laugh if you want to laugh. Don’t carry a huge amount of pressure within yourself. That pressure will simply mean that you are welcoming stress to come in your life. When you quit fearing pain, when you learn to love the pain, you will lose all fear of everything. Let the emotions came out and the stress goes away. Share your emotions with others if you can and let happiness take a turn into your life. We have only one life. Live your life freely without regrets. And make your life as simple as you can.