Sunday 12 June 2016


They say every superman has its kryptonite, the rock that socks away his power and render him nothing more than an ordinary mortal. But you see, it’s about the will to make a difference in the world that drives one to change his patent weakness into one’s strength. So conclusively, once a superman is always a superman.
Apart from reading about the adventures of superman in the books of marvel, have you ever encountered one in real life?
Well, I just did got an opportunity to meet one, the lady of steel......
to every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late
But how can a man die the best
By facing the difficult odds
For ashes of his father
For the temples of his God”
These words of the wonderful poem may infuse you with the undying spirit for two seconds but then there are very few, who are the living legends of these words of marvel, one being MRS SAKSHI NARANG, my SUPERWOMAN.
Almost fifty, slim and curvy, walking on the grounds with 5’6” lithe, filtering through the beaming sun rays of the early morning sky, everyday at Japanese park, Rohini, and leading the group of asymmetrical anatomies to rhythmic fitness, that’s how you define Mrs Sakshi Narang.
So what, any fitness trainee can do that.... what’s so special about her?
Well, apart from her maternal instincts radiating in her dilated pupils, she has a diagnosis of one of the worst joint disorder attached to her medical records.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the red flag joint disorder, one of the auto immune disorders which eat away the entire joint leading to permanent deformity of the joint and restricts its locomotion. Any kind of injury can trigger the process to higher pace and lead to complete deformity. Best analogy that I could think of is it is like the wooden door being eaten by termites, that’s how rheumatoid eats away the joint. And if it takes the full blown course, it starts to affect the heart and eat away its valves too, compromising it’s functioning or absolutely rendering it good for nothing.
Is she ignorant about her diagnosis?
Not at all! Her mother suffered the worst case scenario of rheumatoid pathology and died in front of her own eyes. She is well qualified by the providence to share the first hand experience of miseries of Rheumatoid.
Is she willing to take the risk on the whimsical fancy of fitness?
She doesn’t call it risk. She calls it striding against the winds. It’s the will that moves a person ahead and then nothing can impede his or her way, not even any jargon out of the medical books. In her words, “.... life is about as many candles you can light.... Body is nothing more than a God given machinery to deliver his will, so if you decide to do a good work, no one can stop you because you have decided it, and it’s as simple as it is....”
If you want to make a Singham again, you can’t miss this woman.
A standing ovation to her will, her zeal, her grandeur and mostly to her immortal spirit, that constantly beams our hearts with hope, hope of better and fit tomorrow!
Let us all join her march to fitness in Japanese park, Rohini, from 6.30 am to 7.30 am, from 12th June to 21st June and be the part of this fitness regimen directed towards the celebration of International Yoga Day on 21st June.
You all are cordially invited to be the part of her selfless service.

Her aura is definitely therapeutic.

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