Sunday 24 April 2016


“Are you sure Rhea?” asks my mother.
“Of Course I’m. Survival of the fittest, mother. I’m not going against Darwin. Also I don’t want unnecessary scars on my body.”
It’s known fact that we are all born to die. And frankly I don’t understand why it has to be made into such a big deal. If it were not for my mother I would have said that to bunch of people outside my house, some of them with young kids, shouting slogans, waving placards, literally wanting me to cut one of my beating hearts out, “Save a life. Donate!” they shout.
For someone who is one in billions, 7.125 billion to be exact, I expect to be treated better. Scientists are still befuddled regarding my condition that gave me two hearts in my mother’s womb. But years of research and sticking needles into me have led them nowhere and they have labelled me as freak mutation. It’s so rare- literally one in all human kind that they didn’t even name the anomaly (as they call it, I will call it awesomeness). I wanted to name the condition myself, something on the lines of Rhea’s Heartsawesome but doctor’s aren’t thrilled with the suggestion. Instead they want to cut one of them out and save a life. Huh?
An IQ of 180, increased concentration, exceptional athleticism and a phenomenal metabolism rate are just the few boring benefits of increased blood circulation. Why would I ever give that up?
But I don’t understand why it is difficult for my mother to decipher my wishes. As the last resort, so that I could change my resolve, my mother signed the consent form for my counselling. Seven days more and I would have the power to autograph these medical consents myself as I would be turning into a legal adult under the Indian constitution but for now I had no options except to meet any random Tom, Dick and Harry for next few days. The good part is I have to delt with him alone, without my mother being beside me. With the refined spiteful skills I posses it won’t take me much long to drive him crazy, after all I have a reputation that precedes my physical presence.
On the first day of my counselling I waited for him in his chambers of secret. He was late and it was enough ground for me to bring him under the thumb. But then something unexpected happened. Contrary to the monotonous portrait of my pot bellied, thick glasses wearing and almost balding doctors, he breezed in as the great Christian Grey freshly out of the ‘Fifty shades of Grey’. My dual pumping mechanism that provided surplus stock to my body was shying away and with his each approaching step I was turning pale.
For first time in my lifetime, I felt the disadvantage of having two beating hearts in my chest, the deafening trepidation they made at sighting that Greek God, was echoing in those four walls. For first time in my lifetime, the doppelganger embarrassed me.
He smiled with those pink lotus lips and softly poured out words from it, “Oh! Not your fault, I get that often... I mean I am a Psychoanalyst; people do get self conscious around me. Have some water, you will feel fine.”
Mama mia! Such an ostentatious display of cockiness that too in front of the sarcasm queen, I wonder how could he survive those lines in my reign. If it wasn’t for those enthralling, enchanting and enticing brown eyes that shut away all my kick-ass, smart wits, snidely centres of my grey cells, jamming my impromptu impulses of cerebral cortex, I would have shown him my true colors. But the irony is I liked my displayed dumbness.
Before he could pour out more nectar from those poised lips (Damn! I was turning into Shakespeare!), his cellular started ringing. A series of taciturn ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and he was on his feet again, all geared up to retrace the path which he entered. Disconnecting his phone and connecting those intense eyes with mine he said, “You are sweating. The thermostat is misbalanced. Let’s take an overnight time; you get your equilibrated I will get the air conditioning of the room over checked.” He sneered on my face and just walked away. I knew for sure it was the emergency call on his mobile that made that apple pie ass of his to move away from my ‘mother paid’ sessions not my visible discomfort. I did nothing, said nothing, the lioness in me was dying a goat’s death.
Before he walked out of that door, he again turned back and this time he hugged me, taking away my lasting breaths. Before I could interpret the embracing vector, he left me as if ripping the bandage out of my raw wounds; the only difference was that I didn’t shrieked.
“Name is Vashist, Dr Vivaan Vashist, in case you are interested to know.” And then he left me craving for more. The events of the day haunted me and declined to leave my thought process. I googled him but nothing popped on my screen. I was desperate for the next meeting and clock was lazy to make the next move. In short he was killing me.
In morning I did the extra cycle of pranayaam to feed my brain with enough oxygen so that it didn’t lose its footing at his radius. But my brain and my two hearts again gave up at his sighting. This time at the commencement of the session he hugged me, it was fraction of seconds prolong than our last hug at our first meeting, twenty seconds to be exact.
“So are you ready for this social intercourse?” he said smiling.
Was it only me who was reading between the lines or he was playing the card of sexual connotations between his smiles? He manure the conversation further by discussing my medical resume and as per the examination of the patient part goes he just checked only my pulse, though if he would have asked me, I could have stripped on impulse.
After the two warm of sessions, the third day he came strictly to business, even though hugging and pulse checking was regular phenomenon to all our meets.
“Why don’t you give up one of your hearts?” he asked.
I have already lost both to you but instead of that I said, “What’s wrong in keeping the two, even the cockroach have thirteen hearts and he keeps them all?”
“Insightful but eventually you are turning into Phineas Gage?”
Phineas Gage was the 25 years old man when he lost the part of his brain in a freak accident in which a three foot, seven inch tamping iron rod pierced his skull in 1848. He survived it but in span of time he turned into the most contemptuous, scornful man that ever walked the earth. And according to my ‘dead drop handsome’ doctor, the excess of blood being supplied by my twin prodigies to my brain box would eventually lead to oxidation damage to my grey cells and would eventually degenerate my pre frontal cortex and then the world would experience another Phineas Gage in me. Moreover, I have started showing the early signs and symptoms of being one sarcastic bitch. He also highlighted the possibility of my early death by stroke because of the gushing volumes drained to my head.
Our fourth meeting was a prolong discussion on how to step into the shoes of marvel superhero.
“Yes Doc, I know, the essence of Heroism is to sacrifice oneself so that others can live. But you know what, these either look good in books or could be used to con the fools not me.”
“The best con man in this world is God, who gave you two hearts in first place and provided you the opportunity to paint the bigger picture....” and then suddenly he started speaking Sanskrit, “... yad, yad acarati sresthas, tad tad evetaro janah, sayat pramanam kurute, lokas vas tad anivertate.... 3.21 Bhagvad Gita, meaning whatever action a great man performs, common men fellow. And whatever standards he set by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.”
Sexy doc, quoting religion, God have mercy, how much hotter can he get?
He continued, “Once you understand that thoroughly, you get the permanent denizenship to the city of that con man, sitting right here in Delhi.”
And as abrupt were those lines as random was the ending of our fourth session but with the patent hug that lasted for forty seconds. He never fails to surprise me with abruptness of his actions which continued for two more days when he bunked our fifth and sixth meet because of unknown reasons. I have never felt so helpless in my life that too because of one damn man.
Book of psychology gives a fixed sequential pattern through which one goes through distressing times called ‘DABDA’, Denial, Anger, Bargain, Depression and Acceptance. I went through them in those two days, finally accepting to wait as my only sane strategy.
But seeing him again took away all my pain. How could I ever be angry at those eyes? But his stochastic approach was still in continuation, when he duped counselling and put the consent form of surgery on the table with the pen. That’s the worst gift ever that I could get on turning an adult today. He said he will not meet me again except in the operation theatre when I decide to rip away one of my heart. And then he left, that too without a hug. What kind of the counsellor does that? I could officially complain against him for bulldozing decisions but instead I went through my second cycle of ‘DABDA’!
One month later...
“We would be putting you out, please start to reverse count from ten,” said my anaesthesiologist.
“No... Please wait...” I cried.
“You need not wait more, I’m here.” And he held my hand. How could I ever forget that touch and those eyes? Just under the whimsical fancy to see him again I was ready to give away my heart that I kept so obstinately with me all those years of my life. He was right I was getting crazier day by day.
I held his hand in the tight grip but before I could say anything he bend over and said in my ear, “Don’t tax your mind. When you wake up, just remember that shloka 3.21 of Bhagvad Gita I told you, the city of God, everything we talked about. Don’t listen to whatever people tell you. Just trust your instinct and you will have your heartfelt.... W..I..S..H...” I don’t remember anything more as I was put into sleep.
When I finally woke after 12 hours surgery he wasn’t there, indeed his existence was wiped off the slate, as if he only existed in my brain. My doctors don’t remember him; my mother didn’t vouch for his presence in my life. In my treatment history my counselling sessions were held under some middle age doctor Dr Radhika Ramana.
He was there in reality, not fragment of my imagination; I don’t know why people are refusing his presence and occurrence. I can never be that wrong, hallucinating seven days with him. I consequently slipped into my hat trick of ‘DABDA’.

Three months after the surgery......
I was standing outside the gates of house, addressed, 3/21, Dwarka in dilemma of knocking the door. But before my action’s implementation, the door opened and there he stood smiling with those intense eyes. I can never remain angry with those eyes.
“It took you quiet long to reach here, was traffic that bad?”
My renowned IQ of 180 took time to decipher his last departing lines at the operation theatre, when he coded his address in them and told me to believe in my convictions irrespective of the fact whatever the world around me says.
“I lost my heart, maybe the factory in the grey matter slowed down the bit.” I can also play ‘reading between the lines’ game but still couldn’t prevent my eyes getting all tanked up.
So, here’s how the entire story of my losing the heart both literally and figuratively speaking goes. He runs a con agency which helps in big social causes. He was hired by the rich guy whose little boy desperately needed my heart as it was the perfect HLA match (genetic lingo). Since I was reluctant, they plotted the entire set up. It was a top secret mission involving my treating doctors who unanimously vouch against my Frankenstein’s anatomy,  and were born ready with their knives and scalpels, frantically wishing to slice it away. My mother was kept at bay, entirely ignorant of their ulterior motives, because of the emotional vulnerability vector she always displays. And since the entire thing was professionally unethical, the illusion they created in form of shining armour knight, was dab cleaned, once I caved.
“What made you so sure that I would fall in your created pit?” I was stern.
He explained me the entire physiology of his plan. As soon as my mind, body and soul went bananas spotting him, my sympathetic nervous system got hyper-activated and gave away the location of my hearts on his radar. Excessive pupil dilatation, malar flushes or in layman’s it just simple blushing, sweaty palms and increased pulse rate (that’s why he insisted on checking it over again) are so called ‘love at first sight’ signs. And he sealed the deal with more than ‘twenty seconds hug principle’ from the Bible of the courtship. According to this principle, more than twenty seconds hug by a person you fancy (in my case the hug timed up to 40 seconds, probably because of my two hearts), increases the blood oxytocine levels aka love hormones in female body, consequently shutting away all the scrutinizing centres of brain naming amygdale, pre frontal cortex and hippocampus gyrus (all these medical jargons sounded as poetry from his lips), eventually building new trust circuits, resulting in the blind faith.
The final straw was his abrupt absences that made me so desperate and confused and breed the ground for me to take an impulsive decision on a bargain to meet my prince charming again.
 He was handsome, eloquent, a perfect thespian and ‘know all’, he is a legend from the league of extraordinary gentleman.
“So now, the game is over, what’s next?” I asked.
“You are an asset, that’s why I left you the missing link to join me.” he said slipping the appointment letter to join his firm.
I looked into his eyes to assess the authenticity of his proposal as I have burned my fingers in past. He must have read my mind, “You have earned it, dear.”
“By the way what’s your real name?” I asked.

“For you, it’s Christian Grey.” He simply answered from those eyes.

Monday 18 April 2016


It was still dawn when I stepped out of the cab and walked towards the entry gate of Delhi airport. The early morning February air was presently cold.
I was travelling to Bengluru to attend a college friend’s wedding. It had been four years since we graduated from the same college. The wedding was also going to be a reunion of our batch mates. But what I didn’t know was that the reunion would begin much ahead of time, right in the queue of front airline counter.
I was almost sure it was she. Same height! Same long hair! Same complexion! Curiosity had my eyes glued to her. And then about 60 odd second later, when she turned she proved me right. My ex-girlfriend stood two places ahead of me in that queue. We had never met after college farewell.
I was having second thought whether to stay put or bunk the wedding. How could I forget that I had good chances of crossing path with her again? The dead memories of the past started to flow like waves in front of my eyes.
We were so madly in love with each other, made for each other couple. Everything was so perfect, our romance, our chemistry, our understanding until that accident.
She told me to go slow but beaming in glory of my testosterone, I wanted to fly away the bike. So carelessly I missed that speed bump and so ruthlessly we fell on that raw road. Thankfully she escaped with a few scratches or else I would never forgive myself. But for me the box of Pandora awaited to open. I had a worse fall on my back though the x-ray came clean but the pain was killing me. The only breezing relief was that I had her hand in mine. Lesser I had known that this comforting hand would be taken away from me by fate.
My pain survived ten pain killers in a day at an average and I was shunting doctors every week, ultimately at that fateful day at AIIMS, I was diagnosed with Ankylosis Spondylosis. It’s a genetic disorder where one of my genes screwed its mediocre and mutated, turning my back into a tree trunk, bereft me of normal locomotion. It was a progressive disorder which would sooner or later affect all my joints and I would be turned into a worthless log, a burden on my love ones. It had no treatment except to slow the progression of disease. The fall from the bike initiated the process, geared in my dormant defected gene to come in full ‘Action Jackson’. I was put on steroids which took care of my pain but not the bleak dystopia that I would be subjected in near future.
She didn’t know anything about my diagnosis and there was nothing to tell to her too. I never doubted her love but it was my test to take a stand for our love. I knew if she had faintest of the idea about the misery I was in she would have stayed but I can’t carry that lifelong burden on my conscience. I had to let her go for her own good. The best way to do so was to play the jerk.
It was easy going on being ‘randy little spaniel’ spree with a trail of weekend sins. In no time we parted ways. She couldn’t understand, what changed overnight? She was confuse and in pain but I know it was a right thing to do. After all she wasn’t seeing a bigger picture, she have no obligation, whatsoever, to drag along with me sharing my pain, her entire life. She deserves someone good, someone better than me who could make her happy.
For years, I have tried to keep no ties with her, tried to wipe her out of my memory and there she stands today in front of me. God, I have missed her. My chain of thoughts was broken by a sudden disturbance in the front of the line.
“’s your scale that is screwed, I am carrying the appropriate weight, so just let it go in.....”
“Ma’am, there is no error....”
“What do you want me to remove from your luggage, my clothing or these medicines? You know why I am taking these medicines, because I have Lupus. And do you know what kind of horrendous disease it is? It’s killing away my joints and rotting me from can’t you make an exception for a dying woman, here....”
“Ma’am, I am very sorry for your sufferings and I totally understand your problem but it is against the rules...”
Oh! My god, she is my girl, I mean my ex-girl fighting there to the ground staff who was checking us in. From where did this meek girl learned to roar? She has totally changed, got even highlights in her hair and what the hell was she talking about, only if I could know?
But when things started to go overboard and the people in the queue started to get restless, I finally intervene. I resisted but couldn’t. Old habits die hard, even today I couldn’t see her in trouble.
“.......I can share your burden, I mean; I have space in my luggage....if you want....”
She immediately turned her head to see me. I could see the changing emotions shunting in those intense brown eyes of her. She was shocked one second, happy next, followed by anger and finally settling to indifference. God! I missed those eyes too.
Before she could use the power of her tongue, the man behind the counter said, “Ma’am, do you know this gentleman?”
I answered on her behalf, “Yes, we do....”
“Then it settles...” the man took the deep sigh of relief without even waiting for me to complete.
“But....” she tried to contradict but couldn’t say anything further. May be it was the hostility of piling up line behind her or the shock of the movement that took away all her fighting spirit and killed her skills of crude vocabulary.
As we walked pass the check in and then the security lines together, I tried to break the ice between us. “Hey! That was nice gig you played out there....the dying woman, Lupus thing....I never thought you could ever come up with this....that’s quite smart of you...”
I end up being a babbling baboon. She didn’t use words but just those frequent empty stares to shut me up. And there I was getting bumpy in my skin thinking about her Lupus slash dying woman thing that she spoke to that man.
Does she really have that disease? God! Her silence was killing me.
She sat four rows ahead of me in the plane, my restlessness had no bounds. For those three hours in the plane, either I was Googling lupus or stealing glances at her. I even checked her facebook account but nothing much of importance was revealed as her socialising vector was bare minimum, except that she had join some Lupus support groups.
The time I stepped out of that plane, I was Google taught, Lupus qualified erudite. The 360 degree personality change that I found in my ex-girl was maybe because of Lupus. My heart and my back, both were paining and I couldn’t tell which was worse. She, on other hand, tried to avoid and didn’t even waited for me or for the part of her luggage that I was carrying, at the checkout.
I wish I could stop her and explain her that we were having our personal “fault in our stars” moment in our crossed over destinies. But at first I needed a drink.
For next four days at the wedding, I was following her like a shadow. I gave her back her belongings that I carried from the airport. But instead of a thank you note I received pure raw indifference from her, with the given past history though I deserve such kind of acrid action reaction from her but still I can’t give up on her. I need to know and not knowing was making me feel guilty as charged.
On my friend’s wedding day, when everyone was busy buzzing around the betrothed couple except her. She was standing at the distant corner. I don’t know, maybe wedding incites some emotional centre in women’s cortex as I could see her getting all sentimental though she was perfectly fighting her emotions, trying to save her mascara. Taking the advantage of the situation, I confronted her and took her to solitude. She tried to escape but I held her tight.
“Why don’t you tell me, what’s wrong with you? Maybe I could help...see.....I know this very good doctor at AIIMS...”
“Oh! Please, you have helped enough, so now please leave me alone.” She tried to free herself but my ankyloised joints still bore more strength than her.
“Since when have you become so obstinate?” I was strict this time.
“Same time that you earned a reputation of becoming a debauch....” this time she jerked herself out of my grip.
“Let me take care of you, please!” I pleaded.
“And what good have I done to receive such generosity from you? Oh! I get it; you want to atone by sympathizing with dying woman. But sir, I don’t think I would ever give you that pleasure.” Her each and every word was piercing my heart.
My legs felt sudden jerky weakness unable to bear my weight and I fell on my knees on the bare ground as she walked past me. I tried to shut my eyes, kept repeating in my cranium, it’s not happening but realities kept oozing out the salted water out of my closed eyes.
 “It’s not sympathy, its love and it was always love and will always be love. I thought, distancing you from my life, I would stop loving you but I couldn’t and I think I wouldn’t too. I have always loved you and will always love you too.”
She stopped and for the first time in past couple of days she wanted to hear, what I have to say. And like a five year old, I blurted out all the secrets of my miserable life, about my diagnoses and its worst prognoses. I told her it was my genius plan to rip her apart from my life for her better future and I now I ended up being a perfect fool.
I thought she would immediately hug me then forgive me followed by our classic lover’s retreat. Though the course of events followed the same sequence except for the fact that instead of hugs and kisses, it started with two tight slaps, left and right on my not so chubby cheeks. God, what have she been eating to garner such strength to engrave her fingers on my phizog, even though she vouches to be sick? But as the matter of fact, I have always loved this unpredictable woman and missed her like hell and now, if she kills me, I will die smiling.
Well my girl never had Lupus; it was just a gag to get extra luggage through the scanners. One of her closed friend is suffering from it and hence she had joined those communities on the facebook. And I gave away my ambush secret on the sinus medicines which she was carrying for her seasonal cold and cough. But at least my love story came back to the track but lesser I had known it was an illusion.
We were back to Delhi airport where it all begin in first place but instead of hostility we were arms in arms. A momentary severance was now not acceptable but we had to go our distant paths so that we talk to our parents and get our relationship officially stamped. I kissed her bye. The entire night I couldn’t sleep thinking about my lovely future with the girl of my dream, I couldn’t stop smiling
The first thing in the morning I did was calling her but no one picked up. After the tenth call, finally my call was answered but instead of her, her mother picked up and what she revealed took away the earth beneath my feet. After she left the airport in the taxi, she had a fatal accident. She was severely wounded and was in hospital. I rushed there only to find her all tube-d up in the ICU and doctors have given up on her. She was in coma with no chances of revival and the doctors were waiting to pull off the plug, only waiting for the family to decide.
The sand was slipping out of my fingers and I couldn’t do anything. I was benumbed, with diminished reflexes and absolutely no power to think or react. I stood there petrified for three days, praying pleading to almighty. Look at the irony, once upon a time I had her and then gave her away deliberately for her good and now she is been forever been taken away from me.

It was 14 of February, the Valentine’s Day, the lover’s day and I, the most unfortunate one, lost my love forever. But it’s said that if it’s not happy ending, it’s not the end. This time also I had to let her go for her own good but before they pulled off the plug I told her to hang in there and wait for me where ever she was going because when my time comes I will join her and this time she had to do some answering of leaving me in the middle of the road. For now her love is enough for me to go through a lifetime. I will always miss that woman, the only woman that I ever loved. 

Thursday 7 April 2016



“Holi hai bhai holi hai”, loud music and children with gulal smeared faces dancing to the bollywood hits, that was how I was greeted by children at Shubhakshika Educational Society-- the shelter home for homeless children. They aren’t your neighbourhood kids; instead they are children who are deprived of normal childhood, living in extreme poverty. Some were homeless, some were orphans, some were rag pickers but what bonded them together was poverty, illiteracy and yearning for a normal childhood.
“Aunty, please dance with me”, when a boy of around 10 asked me, I couldn’t resist and joined the celebrations. Childhood doesn’t discriminate on the basis of poor or rich, young or old, for children equality exists at all levels. My visit to the centre was not planned. One of my good friends, Rosy Sachdeva, had joined this NGO few years back. She just invited on Face book to like the page and I got hooked. I called her up and she invited me to attend their holi celebrations.

Shubhakshika Educational Society is a two storey building where these children live. There are around 40 kids-some stay there only, some go back to their homes in the evening. The centre provides them free education, meals, books, stationery, vocational training. The volunteers also counsel them on various topics like hygiene, sanitation, adolescence, how to deal with peer pressure and stay from drugs, alcohol etc. The centre is run by a group of people who are all doing well in their respective fields. I met Mrs. Usha Bhatnagar, the chairperson of the centre. She told me about all the activities they do at the centre and help they are always in need of, in any form-donors, volunteers, household items, stationery items, soaps, towels , any thing you need at your home is needed by these children as well. There is a cook for cooking all meals and two teachers are there for teaching purposes. They also have a van that brings these children from home if they skip the school. They also counsel their parents to get their children educated. Children medical check-up are also done regularly. One can sponsor lunch with two days prior notice at Rs. 2000/ only.

What caught my attention were the sparkling eyes of the children who were free of any worries or tensions. They were not bothered about their future but were surely enjoying their present. They were full of hope and confidence. There was no anger or resentment towards God, society or anyone for their situation. May be they have accepted their situation, rather gracefully. I also learnt the lesson to be happy and contented with what we have and be ever thankful to God. I got myself clicked there and must say that it was one of the best pics of mine with such natural smile. I also felt very small that we, the so called intellectual class of well-to–do society, are not doing much for such social causes. We are ever ready to get clicked with brooms in our hands and argue endlessly on TV channels or start # movements on Internet. I would like to add that I salute people like Dr. Usha Bhatnagar, her husband, Rosy Sachdeva, Salesh Sachdeva and a whole lot of people who are giving their time for such causes and inspiring others too.

Hereby I request all of you to do what each one you can do, wherever you can do, whatever you can do to help the needy people of our society. Each one should do our bit and give back to our society. As my dear friend Rosy says” GENERATE GOOD KARMA FOR YOURSELF”. Even all our religious scriptures say

If you are interested to help, you can contact at the following address:
Shubhakshika Educational Society
H.O.: SHUBH Open Shelter Home
J-Block, sector-16, Plot no.124/125
Rohini, New Delhi-110089

Tel no: +91-9810201542 ;011-27852040/25253645