Saturday 20 February 2016


Its February, love is at its height and the beauty around is souring the chart. What would be the best gift from cupid to all the love found couple, than, immortalizing their youth, so that they could cherish their moments lifelong.
Hence digging out from the soil of ancient times, I bring seven secrets from the Vedic scriptures that could make the ticking clock of age stop for you.
Our body is the temple where God resides and it becomes foremost to take care of it. And when we follow Vedic maneuvers to do the needful, the beauty, happiness and youth comes as the ice toppings to the cake.
So let’s see what the devout priest does in the temples of god and let us follow their league for our patent architecture.

The secret No. 1
If you desire strong jaw, that ring’s the bell. Make it a habit twice a day, to blow the couch shell.
When the priest wakes up God in the morning they blow in the couch shell and repeat it again while putting them to sleep.
Now, what does the couch shell have to do with the statistics of beauty vector?
The sound produced by blowing the couch shell resembles the most premiviel sound of the universe ,i.e., “Om” this sound is so powerful in itself that it rejuvenates, vitalize and energize every cell of buccal mucosa (the membrane inside the mouth) and muscles of the cheeks, increasing the blood flow over there. It not only helps to strengthen the mandible (the jaw bone) but also prevents wrinkling around the lips (which otherwise is a sensitive and vulnerable spot to reflect early signs of aging) in the long run.

Secret No. 2
Akalmrityur Harman, sarvadhivinasham;
Vishnudodakam pitva, purnajanam na vidyate.
“The one who takes away the fear of sudden death, the one which perish away every peril in the pat and the one that gives salvation from the vicious cycle of birth and death is the panchamrit that touches the lord’s lotus feet. “
   The abhishek procedure done to bath the lord Vishnu, not only provide us the holy charnamrit that cleanses our body inside but also lays the foundation stone of modern day facial technique.
So here are the steps of Vedic facial:
Step 1 The water/ gangajal/ holy water from river Ganges
First thing to do is splash the face with water to wash away the superficial dust.
Step 2 The cleansing by unboiled milk.
The milk has deep cell cleansing property and act as the natural astringent.
Step 3 The scrubbing recipe
Honey + jaggery + curd (mixed in equal proportion). The small granules of jaggery (khand/gur) act as the scrubber which removes away the dead cells. The friction produced b this scrubbing is cooled down by the curd and the stretching of the facial muscles is taken care by anti-wrinkling properties of honey.
Hence, the main ingredients of panchamrit become the quite essential part and parcel of your home manufactured facial kit.
Step 4 Facial pack – sandlewood
There is a chandan (sandlewood) utsav that starts from akshay tritiya for twenty one days. During this time the deities of lords are smeared with sandalwood paste to bet the summer’s heat. Hence same past, not only rejuvenates the cells of the face but also provide cooling effect after the scrubbing.
 Step 5. Moisturizer – the ‘ghee’
After washing away the face off the pack, the next step comes is restoring its moisture. A thin cooling of cow’s ghee (saturated fat) diluted with water serves the purpose to bind the moisture.
Hence completing our facial maneuver.

Secret no. 3
The hidden essential qualities of curcuma longa/ haldi
The common ingredient of Indian kitchen is the magic boom that can to an extent reverse the process of aging.
Haldi have anti TNfactor i.e. anti tissue nacrosies factor meaning that prevent the early death of decay of the cells of the body when taken internally like with food of with hot milk, it not only cures the old joints pain or sprains in the muscles but also nullified the bad effects of vigorous fevers like chickenguniya and dengue to name few.
And when used externally, it is the natural ‘fair and lovely’ product of the vanity box. It lightens the shades of the skin and reflects a fairer tone.

Secret No. 4
Jai mata di!!
The best embodiment of Indian beauty is reflected in the most powerful Goddess of
Hindu mythology, the Goddess Vaishno Devi. Her big eyes, fuller lips, sleek body curves and long black hair so refinely depicted in her portrait exemplifies Indian beauty at its best. And her holiness is so kind that, she shares the secret of divinity by giving us the prasadam in the form of coconut.
Internal consumption leads to good skin and sharp brain. And external application of coconut oil in scalp, prevent hair fall and make hair grow and glow.
So don’t be a nut, always be a coconut!

 Secret No. 5
The ancient astringent – Lemon
The ‘deo’, scents and ‘perfume’ industry blooms on the bad human odour. But these aromas have the ulterior effect of blackening the skin beneath. But are they necessary evil that you can’t do without?
Well Vedas answers this question too. Squeezing half lemon in the bathing bucket provides the unquestionable refreshing effect and reduces the body odour many folds even till the end of the day. The regular usage will eventually cut off your dependency on the aromatic products.
Secret no. 6
‘VALSALVA – the breathing exercise ‘
It’s the process of forcing the entire air of our lungs forcefully from the tightly closed mouth when the nose is also closed by pinching it with fingers.
Different valsalva techniques are as follows:
a)      ‘Bhramar Kriya’ – a kind of pranayam in which the nose and ears are closed with thumb and index finger respectively and air is pushed out of the mouth with reverberation of the sound “Om”.
b)      The second way of practicing the Valsalva is reading Hanuman Chalisa. Now the way of reading it is reading the entire chupai in one breath. For starters it would be difficult but start challenging yourself; maybe you could read four couplets in one whiff but duly keep increasing it till you read the entire thing in one go.
c)      The third method, the simple one that I invented for my patients is “Genie Valsalva”.
(Genie because a cult of my patients has named me Genie, I don’t know why but they call me wishes granting Genie.)
Well in this procedure, a plastic bottle is required. All you need to do is to hold the bottle tightly in you both hands and once you take a deep inspiration you need to press the bottle with both the hands hence denting it inwards. Hold your breath for a while (accordance to your physical strength) and then exhale the entire air of your lung into the bottle, forcefully through your mouth, the force of air should be good enough to push the indentation of the bottle outward which was previously dented inward by our hand. Try extending this one cycle of inhale exhale or indentation and outward force for fifteen seconds.
Our goal is to do this four cycles per minute for five times, twice a day. For the starters it would be difficult. But even with practice if you are able to reduce the breath cycle beneath twelve per minute you still serve the purpose.

Benefits of Vulsulva:
1)      Since it increases the blood flow to the head, it helps generating very acute concentration and hence makes it an essential part of daily exercise during cut throat competitive exams.
2)      It’s a kind of meditation and hence improving sleep pattern. It is a curative for insomniac patients.
3)      The process increases the blood flow to the pre-frontal cortex (a part of brain which is behind the forehead), the center which in returns generate lots of confidence and willpower to do things and abstain from the bad habits.
4)      Since, it also helps in the good night sleep turning into a good beauty sleep.
5)      It tightens facial muscles and hence a very good anti-wrinkling process.
So practice Genie maneuver, so so simple, no wrinkle, No pimple, only flash a dimple!

Secret No. 7
Stay happy!
In the words of HG Gaur Gopal Prabhuji, “pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.” Pain here represents distress in life. Irrespective of what we do, how we do or when we do, there is no immunization against distress, pain, grief. They may appear along the path of life. This is a universal truth. Since the pain vector is not in our hands, we can’t do much about it but at the same time we can control the perception of that pain vector and hence making our suffering reduce by many folds.
  Once we stop fretting about the life situation, we will slow the process of aging. As worrying empties away all the oxygen supply in the blood which otherwise would have been used to rejuvenate the cells of the body. Hence, I would like to quote Bhagvad Gita shloka 2:14 to support the above statement:
Mantr-sparsas tu kaunteya sistosna-sukha-dukha-dah
agamapayino nityas tams titiksasva bharata.
O sun of kunti, the non permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate then without bring disturbed.
So this brings me to the end of seven Vedic secrets. I hope you would practice it daily and may they work wonders for you.
I would like to end my talk with one another Shloka from the Upanishad.
“asto ma sadgamaye,
Tamso ma jyotirganye
Mrityur ma amritmgamaye
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!”
Take me from lies to the eternal truth, from illusions of maya to the ultimate reality, from darkness to light and from fear of death to immortality. Let there be peace, peace and peace!

Hare Krishna

Friday 19 February 2016



In the middle of the flight, Kiara woke up to go to the washroom. When she returned, she was too lazy to push her way into the middle seat. And with Rishaan readily offering to shift seats, the seating arrangement changed. With twenty minutes still remaining for the flight to land, a sleep starved Kiara took another power nap, this time holding Rishaan’s right hand more firmly. Rishaan’s other hand, though, nervously moved to touch Diya’s. Her heart skipped a beat. Diya pulled her hand away. But a defiant Rishaan’s held her wrist again, this time firmly and more reassuringly. The changing behavior dynamics between the three perhaps gave out a foreboding of what was to come in Goa.
When the flight landed at the Dabolin Airport, Rishaan felt uncanny……his excitement seemed replaced by an unknown fear that he found very difficult to decipher.
He was standing at the portal deciding between his past and present. His past had Kiara, the girl he once loved, when he was nothing more than a regular college guy. There love crossed all levels of intimacy and it seemed certain that both of them were each other soul mate. But then suddenly equations drastically changed. Kiara over ambition drifted her away from him. She was not ready to give him enough time to establish himself. She just went away.
Rishaan was left broken. It was that time Diya entered his life. It took him long to trust another individual and even longer to love her. Diya stood like a wall in every high and low tide of his life. It’s been seven years since Kiara left him and Diya became part and parcel of his life. He was not a fresh out of college anymore but today he was a rich affluent famous writer now with four best sellers and two of them already adopted as scripts in the movies which turned out to be blockbusters.
This painful past had started to fade away in the spring of presence. Life seemed pretty much settled that suddenly another blow of strong wind destroyed his house of cards yet again. Diya had a fatal accident though her life was saved but at a great expense. She was pregnant that time. She not only lost her baby but her uterus was removed. She could never be a mother again.
This time it was Rishaan’s turn to be her pillar of strength. Time is a great healer and Rishaan’s love was slowly and gradually pulling Diya out her depression. Taking their relationship a step ahead, Rishaan planned this Goa trip, he was supposed to surprise Diya with a proposal of marrige. But he was unaware of the fact that life was waiting to go summersault again.
Like a flash, his past entered his life. Kaira was back that too with breaking news of him having a six year old son and that she having an ovarian cancer. She was dying and wanted to him to take the liability of their son that studied in the hostel in Delhi.
Life can never be more complicated for him than it was now. He stood as the tug of war between the two women in his life and the twist of the fate was he couldn’t ignore both their needs. Kaira came along as the added burden of the much anticipated Goa trip.
“You are going to stay in her room…why did you bring me along?” Diya was disappointed.
“You know everything…I can’t leave her alone.” Rishaan tried to explain.
“Yes of course she bore you a child, the endeavor I completely fail at….”
“Shut up, just shut up. Do you realize what state of mind I am in? I can’t keep repeating the same record over and over again. You need to rest and think calmly. I will talk to you in the morning.”
Rishaan left. He knew she would be crying behind the closed doors but there was nothing much he could do. He too needed to clear his head and get things straight. Kaira was too vulnerable and could not be left alone. Though he was with Kiara in her room but he preferred lying on the couch though sleep was miles away from his eyes.
Next morning too he could find the hostility being carried at the breakfast table. It was Kaira who broke the ice and just straight away came to the point, “I know I am unwanted burden in your fairytale life but seriously, Diya I have not come to take Rishaan away from you. I have long lost the right over him. I am just worried about our son.”
“I don’t understand Kaira, why it took you six years to break the news that Rishaan have a six year old boy…Oh! Wait, it was cancer that made you sing like a canary.”
“Diya, watch your words!” Rishaan intervened.
“Come on Rishaan she ditched you earlier and now she came up with another game. All she is doing is playing a dying woman card and a progeny….she very well know our painful nerve….”
“Shut up Diya, if you can’t be civil, you should leave the table.” Rishaan immediately realized his mistake as soon as he uttered those words. But it was too late, Diya was long gone. He wished to follow her but the overflow from Kiara’s eyes glued him to his chair.
Once he settled Kiara, he rushed behind Diya to her room. She was packing all her stuff.
“What are you doing, Diya?”
“I am leaving. I am clearing your path after all that’s what you want.”
Rishaan forcefully interjected her path, made her leave her chores and made her sit on the bed and he sat on the knees on the floor beside her.
“I love you and I want to spend my entire life with you. But at the same time I could not put a blind eye to my past. Like you, I was too caught unaware by this sudden series of events and I have no idea, how to react to it. And I am trying very hard to find a solution to it. But I can’t do it without you. You are the force that drives me to live. You are air beneath my wings, don’t desert me now.”
“Rishaan….There is no solution to it…” Diya was almost into tears.
“Yes there is, Kaira don’t want to come between us. She was just worried about our son. The cancer is making her frail and her lifespan is being uncertain, she wants me to adopt Rasik.. that’s my son’s name. Our family will be complete Diya. From now onward Rasik will be our son, Diya’s and Rishaan’s son. We will be parents.”
“It doesn’t seem that simple Rishaan. ­And what is the hurry; it’s not that she is dying tomorrow…”
“Diya don’t complicate it.”
“I don’t trust that woman, Rishaan. She is never going to leave. And how we trust her words that you having a son with her…. ”
“Why would she lie? The thing is I want it to get over soon therefore I would be signing the legal papers for the adoption tomorrow and three days later Kiara would be flying off to America for her treatment. She will be gone forever and here we will begin our family fairytale. It’s perfect Diya… It’s just perfect.”
“How could she go to US, she said she is almost bankrupt…wait a minute...are you paying for her treatment…Oh! My God! I knew it; the bitch had an ulterior motive to come into our life…..” Diya’s virtual suspicion started to mutate into reality.
“Why you women have a habit of smelling rat, even when things are crystal clear. It’s just one down payment and she would be out of our lives. Honey, trust me on it…” His calf muscles fatigued in knee bend position therefore he got up and sat beside Diya on the bed. He held her hands in his own.
“How much are you paying him?”
He knew he couldn’t duck that question, “Twenty five lakhs….please…I can afford it. A small token to pay for our happiness…”
Diya was still not convinced but the sincerity in Rishaan’s eyes made her hold her tongue for a while.

One month later…..
As soon as Rishaan got the approval of being legal guardian of Rasik, he immediately flew to Delhi with Diya. Rasik lived here in one of the convent. It’s been more than a week since he talked to Kaira. It doesn’t matter; maybe she was busy with her treatment. Even he was busy collecting bits and pieces of his life. There, at the convent when Rishaan was checking in the legal formalities with the authorities, Diya was utilizing time striking acquaintance with her new son. It had been one hour since Rishaan was butting heads with the legal formalities. And there with every passing minute, Diya was feeling more and more comfortable with Rasik. Everything about him was so magnetic.
As soon as she saw Rishaan walking towards them, she immediately rushed towards him to share her excitement. But instead of being happy Rishaan looked pale.
“You were right Diya, we shouldn’t have trusted Kaira….she conned me, again…”
“What are you saying Rishaan?”
“Rasik is not my son….he is an orphan. Two years back, she and her husband found him on street and probably it was that time they convinced the plan to fool me with a son’s card. After that accident they knew we would be vulnerable and it was right time to strike. Hence, she came in playing a dying woman card. What an imbecile I have been, being fooled twice by the same woman…” He was overwhelmed; he couldn’t say a word more. It took Diya couple of minute to gel in with the breaking news. Once she was through the initial shock wave, she said, “Now what..?”
“I am going to surrender my legal rights over Rasik and get back to our lives. I am sure Kaira would be way out of our reach. It would be futile chasing the ghost….” Rishaan said.
“What about Rasik?” Diya was concerned.
“What about him? He will get back to his life…”
“Becoming an orphan again…. No  Rishaan. That woman may have robbed us but by default she has given us the greatest happiness of life. I don’t care about the lost money, all I care about the stumbled epiphany, our lost found son….”
“Hey Diya…what are you talking?”
“He have your eyes and my nose….come let me show you.” She held Rishaan’s hand and took her near Rasik.
When Rasik’s big puppy dog eyes crossed Rishaan’s, Diya’s words started to make sense to her. He could see his future shaping in those eyes. All the disappointment vanished away in thin air. He could finally see his fairy tale coming true in his better half and his son.

Maybe for a while his dark past clouded his present but soon the bright sun of future diluted away all the darkness from his life. It was the new beginning to their life.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

PROFESSION- scientist

PROFESSION- scientist
SYSTEM DOMINENCE- brain and nervous system
1.       CASUALITY (cause seeking faculty, ability to reason from cause to effect, far sighted in their results) - height and width of bridge of the nose and fullness of centre of forehead.
2.       COMPARISON- height and breadth of bridge of nose, fullness of centre of upper part of forehead.
3.       REASON/ ANALYSIS- septum of nose.
4.       OBSERVATION (taking notice)- the middle of lower part of forehead, between inner terminus of eyebrows and above root of nose, when large filling out of muscles at this part and cause eyebrows to draw down in order to facilitate more accurate vision
5.       SUBLIMITY (sense of grandeur and magnificence) - rounding of outer corner of tip of nose, large and full eyes and symmetry of body parts.

NOTE- scientists have longevity genes. They are more or less confined to profound and prolonged mental labour. The exercise of emotions is necessary in artistic pursuits tend to impair health and shorten life.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Reverse Pathology – Redemption of the Playboy {valentine's special}

Reverse Pathology – Redemption of the Playboy
“What the hell is going on between my husband and that bitch?”Maya’s patience was at its lowest ebb and she was ready to burst.
Sanjay knew that she was serious,“Look Maya, there is nothing going on between the two of them. Just a little bit of healthy flirting, I’d say”
 “Flirting?Healthy flirting?Really Sanjay…”
She rolled her eyes in disgust. “That’s what you men call it? There is nothing healthy about flirting, Sanjay, not for married man. Healthy flirting is a term introduced by perverted men who want to lend legitimacy to their extra marital dalliances. Flirting invariably has a sexual connotation to it. She got up from her seat and walked around the room gesticulating and muttering something to herself. Suddenly she stopped turned back, looked at Sanjay and asked, “Did my husband sleep with her? You are his friend. Did he ever tell you anything about it?”
Sanjay was a taken aback at such sudden confrontation. His face became ashen. Anyone could decipher he was hiding something under those looks even though he was trying hard to cover up the whole dram in front of grand spectators at Aditya’s office, where he worked under him as his PR.
Oh! My God! You are his wingman. Where is my husband?”She was literally screaming, holding his collars.
“Didn’t I tell you, he is in the meeting with his publishers?” He was fumbling with words, sweat droplets condensing over his phizog
“Where…? She was furious and she was not going to settle for anything less than the truth.
“It’s an official meeting. Hotel Blue Lagoon…Room number 3124.”
“She is with him?”
“I don’t think so…”
Diplomacy was not a candy that she was ready to savor. Without another word she just barged out of the room.
It took him three seconds to run analysis of what just happened and without wasting the fourth, he immediately reached for his mobile and speed dialed the most frequently digit-ed number, “She is on her way… and she knows you are with him.”
By the time Meera reached the hotel, Aditya had clear the crime scene. She could find nothing except official paperwork and few men in ties. Without a word she left again.
“Aditya that was close. Maybe there is no next time to place these rented pawns. You need to come out clean, so just stop all this shitty affairs of yours.”
“Some people are born with golden spoon, I, on other hand, with a golden luck. My every dart is destined to hit the bull’s eye. And this thing with Shreya is a business deal. It’s her brain and my money and look what I am getting in returns, a co-authors designation, free sex and once the book is out, it will add gains to my treasury and reputation. It’s cheaper than hiring a prostitute for a night.”
“What about Meera? Her suspicious is growing like weeds. If she finds something substantial against you, she won’t give a second thought to bring you down.”
“Meera is a foolish woman. She couldn’t figure out my ulterior motives, when I proposed her for marriage. It wasn’t love but her daddy bank accounts that got me betrothed to her. A sentimental apology and two big tears dilute these girls and in no time they return to your bedroom.”
“I don’t think it’s going to work this time, she is a furious injured lioness now.”
“Sanjay, that’s a conundrum for you, to crack. That’s why I pay you big bucks, to save my apple pie ass.” 
Sanjay played millions roles for Aditya, he was his mayday man, a true friend and a hired servility. And Sanjay too had shown his untainted loyalty towards him and like always, he again found an escape route for Aditya.
Aditya’s every rendezvous with Shreya was so skillfully planned that every time he was with Shreya, there was strong alibi vouching his presence at other place. Moreover he was able to spend quality time with Meera too, all because of Sanjay’s genius plan and hence diluting away her suspicion. 
Aditya was on the happiest place on the planet enjoying every pleasure life could offer him. He revel the love of two women, his wife and his mistress and a big success was on cards, once his book with Shreya is released. Everything was snowboarding until one day his fate went somersaulting. His perfect health records started to show a marked, perceptible and susceptible downfall. Nothing could stay in his guts for more than two seconds. Every time he eat he had to necessarily take a loo break and sometimes even a jiffy delay to judge the nature’s call would drag him on verge of wearing diapers.
He was losing hairs, muscles, skin tone, weight and gait. His once handsome phizog started to wrinkle and his stern and broad chest started to dwindle, making his nipples prominently twinkle.  He ran from pillar to post, to every renowned specialist, got every laboratory investigation done and got himself scanned from head to toe only to find his testosterones level plummeting to season’s low and his sperms were dying the inglorious embarrassing death for no reason at all. Some said it was thyroid, some thought its autoimmune lupus and some vouched for the probability of ambush nefarious tumor but none of them were sure.
And once altered medicines too shut doors at his face he was train wretched.
Because of his condition, he had shut himself in his office. His social life had ended a brutal death and only his closed alliances were permitted to enter his solitude dwellings.
During one such day, when he sat, closed doors in his office living his life on the remnant of the memories of his hay days, Sanjay barged in, “Aditya, look at you. Man, you need to get out of this exile.”
“I can’t Sanjay…”
“Yes you can, the Aditya I knew would never say no…”
“Look Sanjay we already had this conversation and I am in no mood for your psyche counseling. If you want those papers in your hand signed by me, just get it done and leave me alone.”
“What papers? Oh! This, it’s nothing but mere stupidity. You see, this astrologer has taken city by rave. He vouches his credentials to solve people’s problems and guess what he is successful in conning half the city’s population. And this virus has started to affect our staff too, mutating them into babbling band of buffoons who are literally singing poses of his praise. I just snatched this flier from one of them.”
“Can I have a look at it Sanjay?”
“Of course, you too can amuse yourself.”
Suddenly Sanjay’s cellular started to beep and he had to leave to attend to some urgent business. In the virtual absence of Aditya, Sanjay was the busy man.
Next day when Aditya came to the office, he was beaming with smile. He was buoyancy over his depressive self. He even intercom Sanjay to meet him in his office.
“My God! Aditya, you look like a different man today. Who got you under his spell? ”
“Your charlatan.”
“Excuse me!”
“Sanjay you are my lucky charm. You are the one who brought Meera and Shreya in my life and ambrosia to my parched soul. I am grateful to almighty that I have you in my life.”
“Don’t tell me, you went to meet that man?”
“Yes, I did!”
“Oh God! Aditya. Man of your knowledge could also stumble in this pitfalls, I could never believe it. I knew you are vulnerable but then at least you could have put a better use of your IQ.”
“Sanjay, you have no idea of what I am suffering from. I am going to do, whatever it takes, whatever I need to trade, to get out of this inferno, even if it means to sign a deal with the devil. So just stop getting so judgmental. At least he gave me a road man to recovery.”
“And your treasure map says…” Sanjay was still curious and furious.
“Karma is a bitch and it’s screwing with me.”
“I am sorry, come again…”
“It’s a simple equation Sanjay. Have you heard the story of king Midas? The man who loved gold so much that he prayed that everything he touched would turn into that shiny metal. When his wish was granted he rejoiced until he realized that he couldn’t eat because his food had turned into gold too.”
“I am the king Midas. To turn everything to gold I compromised my morals and now all those collected bad karma’s are behind me firing my rare.”
“What shall I call it, awakening of Buddha? Are you going to start a religion now?”
 “It’s not funny Sanjay…”
“It is! What are you going to do, give away your boom and reverse your fortune?”  Sanjay was irritated by Aditya’s childish prattle .
“Excuse me, are you are planning to give away your treasury to Prime Minister Relief funds?”
“Not precisely but I am definitely going to do charity, I have it all figure out.”
According to Aditya, charity begins at home therefore to straighten his karmic records, he gave away seventy percent of his company shares to Meera and rest thirty percent he put under Sanjay’s name. He pulled off his name as a co-author from Shreya’s book and gave her full credits to her work. He returned every penny he took from the universe.
“Are you sure of what you are doing?” Sanjay had his doubts.
“Of course, look, I am smarter than king Midas. He was a fool who ultimately gave away his boom. I am baffling universe by renunciation of my gold but in reality, it’s still under my account with my own people. I can claim my right over it whenever I want.”
“If that’s what you want, please sign these papers Aditya.”
“I think I completed all the formalities yesterday.”
“These are the leftovers, I forgot about. Please go through them once, Aditya.”
“You have read them, just give me the pen. Anyways, I don’t even have time; I have to catch the flight. Thanks for your suggestion. Six months in hills of Himalayas in that ashram you booked for me, will help in my speedy recovery.”
Once Aditya was through autographing those papers he got up and before he was about to leave, he hugged Sanjay, “Thank you to have my back. I really appreciate.”
It was awkward for Sanjay but he still went with the flow for sake of sick man but when the embrace prolonged for more than ten seconds, he said, “I hope your ailment didn’t induce alter sexuality in you.”
Aditya immediately left him, “Hey, I am not gay, it’s just a platonic hug.”
“You never hugged me earlier.”
“Yes I do.”
“No Aditya you never, anyways get well soon.”
For six months Aditya was out of picture from the material world, no links attached, not even a phone call. He trusted Sanjay to look after his worldly affairs. The mountain air indeed work wonders for him, he was pink again. He got back his weight and gaits and most importantly his virility. He was able to have those wet fantasies again and at that time he knew it was the time to return to his planet again to reclaim his lost kingdom. He bid adieu to the world of simplicity and was happy to come to his homeland only to uncurtain the evil fate that waited for him.
Once he returned to his office he got the ultimate shock of his life, he had lost everything in the bet of his health. His most trusted alliances, his friend Sanjay, his wife Meera and his lover Shreya had joined hands and formed Third Rich against him. The paradox of his life was that he had already with his own hands signed away his fortune under their names. Moreover with his treasury he also had signed off his amicable divorce settlement with Meera, accordingly to which he had no right over her single penny.
Shreya book was also out and it was a rave. Unexpectedly it did have a mention of him in the book as her mentor but it was more or less like an obituary note. His health issues were made public and he was posed in the light of ragged philosopher who had lost his sanity and renunciated everything and went to Himalayas. He was yet another monk, who sold his Ferrari.
In six months time, they were able to reduce him to long lost memory.
“You drew the dagger in my back; you think you all will get away with it. If it was not because of my sickness you won’t have been able to raise your hoods.”
“We can take credit for your undiagnosed misery, too.” Meera chuckled
“Oh Yes! Laxatives were Sanjay’s idea and estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, the cockpit of female hormones  that killed your sperms and blossom your bosom were Meera’s and my branded hair removal creams that became the important integrant of your shampoo’s was clearing the pitch of your head smoothly. So tell me, which one you like the best?”
“You nefarious bitches, how could you?”Aditya lost his temper and leapt towards them.
But Sanjay intervene, “Hey you have already lost your sanity in front of the world, do you want us to call the cops that they force you to the asylum?”
“Why? ….Why?” Aditya was almost in tears.
“Can’t you see Aditya, I am a victim wife, her husband cheated on her.”  Meera replied.
“And I was a mistress, cheaper than a prostitute.” Shreya shrugged in.
And then Aditya looked at Sanjay to hear his explanation. “Oh! It’s my turn now. I am gay and jealous. I lost you to these women, twice.” Sanjay blurted out.
“Seriously !” Rest of the three retaliated in chorus.
“No, Of course not! I was done being treated as your ass wiper Aditya. You never treated me like a friend so it was easy for me to trade you for the money. But if it gives you some solace you were most expensive fish to catch, the astrologer set up and then your five star Himalaya’s stay. We didn’t compromise in quality although we have to shove away lots of dough. We got the best conman to trick you with his charms and made sure you could have no whiff of our scam in mountains.”
“It was a ploy to deploy you of your mojo.” Shreya concluded it in writer’s justice.
“You think, you our done destroying me. I will return and destroy you all.” Aditya roared.

“Honey, we have given you redemption here, even though we have to force it through your throat but if you tried to return back to our lives, you won’t get another chance to breathe again. I hope you have learned your lessons, King Midas.” Meera roared back.