Sunday 22 February 2015

PROFESSION- dentistry/ jewellery designing/ photography/ mechanical engineering/ ARTISTIC traits

PROFESSION- dentistry/ jewellery designing/ photography/ mechanical engineering/ ARTISTIC traits
SYSTEM DOMINENCE- osseous+ muscular + brain +vegetative
TRAITS- (osseous system gives accurateness, muscles provide taste and beauty to work, brain give more fineness and vegetative system provide vitality.)
a)      ECONOMY-(savings in prudent way) deep-lap, a peculiar fold of fat and muscle under the chin and fullness of cheeks.
b)      LOVE OF HOME- fullness at sides of lower lip.
c)       MIRTHFULLNESS- dimple and wrinkle at corner of mouth.
d)      SANATIVE NESS- full temples, breadth of face outward from eyes, high and broad nose and nostrils, full cheeks, full lips, broad chin, healthy colour skin and arid bright eyes.
e)      FORCE- large convex eyes, round or oval face, large mouth, heavy and wide lower jaw, wide nostrils, square jaws, strong and square bones, low, broad forehead, round head, heavy eyebrows, an abundance of coarse hair and round muscular ears setting well out from head.
f)       FORM- width of bony structure between the eyes.
g)      SIZE- width of ethmoid bone which join nose with forehead forming a ‘V’ between the inner terminus of eyebrows and root of nose.
h)      WEIGHT (natural perception of the law of resistance, gravity, momentum, direction and balance)- fullness of supraciliary muscles at junction of this muscle with ethmoid bone or at inner terminus of eyebrows.
-          Rounding of sides of forehead, full convex eyes and curving lower jaw.
i)        LOCALITY (capacity of recollecting positions, direction, places once visited and relative position of objects to each other)- fullness of muscles around the eyes near the forehead.
j)        ORDER- bones of forehead exhibit square appearance at side.
k)      TIME- according to system providence.
l)        CALCULATION- flexion of eyebrow upward.
m)    OBSERVATION (taking notice)- the middle of lower part of forehead, between inner terminus of eyebrows and above root of nose, when large filling out of muscles at this part and cause eyebrows to draw down in order to facilitate more accurate vision
n)      CONSTRUCTIONS (ability to build) - rounded out at sides/ alae just below the bridge.
o)      IMITATION- downward projection of tip of nose.
p)      ACQUISITIVENESS (desire to obtain, gain, earn money)- thick, heavy upper eye lid which disclose a large surface while eye is open giving a sleepy look.
-          Fullness and breadth of side of nose just above the nostrils.
-          High arched convex nose
-          Head wide above the ears

-          Wide predaceous jaw and large mouth

Monday 16 February 2015

PROFESSION- concierge/ house keeper/ warden

          PROFESSION- concierge/ house keeper/ warden

1.       FRIENDSHIP- the fullness of upper and soft part of cheek over and below the malar bone.
2.       BENOVALANCE- a full, rolling, red and moist lower lip.
3.       APPROBATIVENESS (facility create fine mannerism, politeness, agree-ability by seeking commendation.)- Dimple or two vertical wrinkles in cheek, on a line outwardly, about one inch from the corner of mouth.
4.       EPICUREAN ISM (have good knowledge of food and drink)- wide mouth, full red and moist lips, full red chicks, with plentiful supply of soft tissues about the chin along with fullness of paranoid gland just in front of ear opening.
5.       HOSPITALITY- fullness of cheek below the malar bone (below the sign of friendship and adjacent to sign of Epicurean-ism.)
6.       LOVE FOR YOUNG (means have parental instinct)- the scallop of upper lip forming beautiful arches like cupid bow.
7.       MIRTHFULNESS- dimples and wrinkles at the corner of mouth, upward curving of corner of upper lip, full moist lips, large bright eyes and dimples in various parts of body, a rounding head and  forehead. Dimpled hands.
8.       EXECUTIVENESS- height and breadth of nasal bone and development of pyramidalis  nasi muscle. The most executive nose is long broad as well as high with large nostrils, large mouth and large eyes (not projecting).
9.       HOPE- downward projection of septum of nose below the aloe or wings of nostrils. Brightness of eyes, bright clear coloured and fresh complexion full cheeks, plump body.
10.   ACQUISITIVENESS (desire to obtain, gain, earn money) - thick, heavy upper eye lid which disclose a large surface while eye is open giving a sleepy look.
-          Fullness and breadth of side of nose just above the nostrils.
-          High arched convex nose
-          Head wide above the ears
-          Wide predaceous jaw and large mouth
11.   MEMORY OF EVENTS- general fullness of upper and middle portions of forehead.
12.   FORM (the capacity of remembering and forming shapes)- width of bony structure between the eyes.
13.   SIZE (capacity of remembering, judging and reproducing the size of objects)- width of ethmoid bone which connect nose with forehead. When it is large it gives width between inner terminus of eyebrows and form V shape on upper part of nose, just below junction of forehead.
14.   LINGUISTIC SKILLS- large full bright convex eyes, fullness under eyes, rounding of head above temples, full lips, full cheeks, full throat, wide mouth and chest, large nostrils, high and broad nose with wide nostril.
15.   TIME (compromise five system of functions predominantly seen in brain and nervous system)- in brain and nervous system it is represented as pear or ovoid shaped face, small chin, thin cheek relatively small nose and thin lip.
-          In osseous system by squareness of face and forehead angular head and squareness of bones all over body.
-          In muscular system- roundness of entire form
-          In thoracic system- high arched chest and sharply defined, receding forehead, high and large nose, bright eyes, lively gait.
-          In vegetative system- predominance of soft tissues all over body, globular cheek, large mouth, slow motion, dull sleepy eye, childish facial expression [NOTE- in brain system there is predominance of trait of time, dealing more with astronomical and geometrical calculation.
In osseous system the ‘Time’ trait deal more with mechanics and scientific instrument.
In muscular system it is more or less calculating thee rhythmic motion pertaining to music.
In thoracic, the time trait is periodic movements which help in conversation like for articulation and appropriate gapping between the words.
Vegetative system has feeblest knowledge of time]
16.   ORDER- bones of forehead exhibit square appearance at sides.

17.   CALCULATION- pronounced by the space between the outer terminus of eyebrow and outer angle of the eye. The formation causes eyebrows to flex upward.

Saturday 14 February 2015


               (PROFESSION + FACES)
When an astrologer read your face and tells you what lies in future, he is actually reading your face, delineating those subtle road map that your phizog exhibit. As we stand there, star stuck by the power of mystique, when he open the occult box of future, bringing forward the secrets hidden in the lap of providence, declaring most confidently what we are destine to be.
It may be a magic trick for some but for some it is logic based principles.
In words of WINKLEMAN, “The mind is invisible to those who understand not the body of physiognomy.”
So let’s make a humble effort to make a new beginning of understanding. In this series, we will see the best facial demarcation according to professional requirement. After all, again quoting WINKLEMAN, “We generally think according to our formation.”

Phrenology is broadly divided into five systems, i.e.,
a)      VEGETATIVE SYSTEM- more of child like growth in adult, globular face people most concerned with domestic traits of living a mediocre lifestyle.
b)      MUSCULAR SYSTEM- well developed muscle, tender and cartilage. They are quick, literary, artistic people.
c)       THORACIC SYSTEM- more pertaining to organ of respiration and circulation, the lungs, heart and liver. They are more or less fighter, athletic class.
d)      THE OSSEOUS/ BONY SYSTEM- bones give solidity, firmness and integrity to organism. A better bone system point towards the authenticity of reliability and trust.

e)      THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM-they are the thinker, inventor and discovering class. They exhibit the power of mind and its vast capability to go beyond any limitation.

check out next week the face cut of a good housekeeper and concierge

Saturday 7 February 2015


           MISSED CHANCE
There are many things in our life require an immediate unavoidable attention at any given moment of time. Since we can’t act diversely in that time zone we prioritize the things and make our ‘to do list’. But its only years later we understand how efficient was our list? Whether we were right in providing weight age, footage and extensive attention to things that we considered important at that time is revealed as after effects to our previous choices. We just missed an opportunity because of time constrain.

They both were teachers in government school and worked really hard. And it was there only they fell in love with each other and end up getting married. It was six months into their marriage and the luck was bestowing flowers on them with both hands. They both earned themselves a scholarship study in South Africa for two years.
Before they could enjoy the news, there was ground breathtaking news waiting for them. The lady was pregnant with their first child. But it turned out to be spot spoiler. Instead of being euphoric, everything became gloomy.
They can’t manage South Africa and the baby; they have to sacrifice one for other. It was a tough call but they have to make it. Its five years now, they are living happily, and job satisfaction and increased pay grade after their last foreign visit.

It was a arrange marriage. Honeymoon period went awesome but when the real life runs for practicality the reel life is locked in the closet. The girl was more interested in living a high profile life rather than getting steamed in the kitchen or sweating in vegetable market.
Half of her time was spent in parlors getting a flawless look and other half she partied hard. Initially it was accepted as the newbie interest but when the marathon run couldn't find finish line, the eyebrows started to rise. It wasn't expected as well as the accepted demure of a daughter in law. And hence, otherwise lenient mother in law started to question her acts. The lady found it intruding, intriguing and invalidating and since that day the hostile feeling between both parties started to run high on graphs.
Couple of months later when the tolerance threshold of the mother in law crossed beyond retrace, she asked for a settlement.
The egos ran high in blood line of daughter in law too and finally she moved out of the house with her husband, on rent.
Her partying ways carried on full swim. Now there was no pressure from any side no bearing lectures on life style and responsibilities and no persuasion to start the family. According to her she was too young and it was too early to go family ways. It was her time to enjoy and she couldn't trade it for anything. It’s been five years since she was married. She is now bored of rogue night life and just wants little normality for a change. She realised her mistake though late. She reconciled with her mother in law and taken good care of her. But now only thing that is missing is her bundle of joy.

Both women are taking treatment for infertility, the first one for secondary infertility after one baby she aborted in the womb and other one for primary infertility. Off lately they have been spotted more at IVF alliances rather taking promotions or enjoying wild night life respectively.


Time is like fine grain of sand with habit to slip from hand.