Sunday 23 March 2014


The great depression is the anytime in universal clock when metaphorically speaking; the four horsemen of apocalypse are let loose, poverty, war, greed and death. There is only darkness all around. Again metaphorically speaking u can have these apocalypse horsemen haunting your life and there is no one to blame as we ourselves open door for them to enter.

This lady just had a second baby and she went into depressive mode. This medically is named as Puerperal depression. All she did whole day was to cry and brood on things of the past. Rather being attentive to needs of her new born she became indifferent, not only to her surroundings but to the personal hygiene. All she bared was the feeling of jealousy for her sister-in-law, who once created her life a living hell. She did unworldly things towards her which hurt her bad that now even after that they have separated their ways, she still feel that green eye monster of jealousy haunting her thoughts. Well, medically it can be explained, as child birth screw up with her hormones a little bit shutting up partially her logistical centers and rendering her vulnerable to pity of it. No great deal of any explanation fed her brain to peace. She always felt she was plotting against her and her family.
The child who was being brought up in such environment fell physically ill. Since it was an early stage of paranoid it was controlled medically and now after months of child birth her hormones have settled in peace, the sunshine have returned back to her life.
But the important question is that when everything in our life becomes perfectly fine too, then, why, still we loom in the backyard digging our past and why can’t we let go things and live life in present? Half of the world is worried about the past and the other half about the future. And very negligible fraction holds the torch of present. Slowly and slowly the whole world is turning into a mental asylum.
-         Narrow eyes (narrow distance between two eyebrows)
-         Pinched nose
Why we take life as the cloudy sky, why can’t it be about silver lining? THINK ABOUT IT…

Monday 17 March 2014


                  REVERSAL OF FORTUNE

Time is never the same. The wise, always say, one should be prepared of everything. But when indulge in good times; do we really care to take the advice seriously? Happier time comes with the illusion that they are going to stay forever but the universal truth is contradictory to the statement.

Everyone needs to change with time, as the time brings in different trends. But what happens when we fail to do so?
Born with, I must say, diamond studded spoon in his mouth, he was the youngest child of the family and the most pampered one. He was completely mama’s boy. Everywhere his mother went he followed. He knew everything about women wardrobe, even to an extent that he could guess their likings at one glance at them.
Growing up in his mother’s shadow made him distant from his father and two elder brothers. And when it was the time for him to join the business, he was clueless about the intricate details of the trade. All he did was whatever he was told. He lacked perceptive and reflection for it to feed it and make it grow. But since the business was wide spread and deep rooted, his mandatory monotonous obligation towards it, fetch him bags full of money.
Years passed and things were running velvety smooth, therefore he didn’t even try to learn it. Now the three brothers were well settled, married and had responsibility of their respected families. Time came for them, to go their separate ways and feather their own nest. The property and business was equally divided. The elder could learn their ways through it and fetch profit in their accounts but the mama’s boy, without any guiding angel support couldn’t stood in the league for long. And slowly and gradually everything they once slipped like sand between the gaps of their fingers.
Once the family, with bounties and riches was left with nothing but bare essentialities of life. The business went down and so was his confidence. He was losing it all. He became a sitting duck at home and became more and more lousy.

The whole family would have been lost in the dooms of darkness if it was not the stern efforts of his twenty years old son who drove the drowning family off shores. He worked hard day and night, to not only complete his studies but also to resurrect the lost business from the grave. His efforts pulled out the little silver shining cloud. Though they are still not out of deep water but till the recent update, they are afloat.
The man realized his mistake and for the first time in many years took a bold step. He made a decision to do what he is good at. The mama’s boys greased his tires to go for mama’s wardrobe line. His made a major investment of his minor saving. Though he has just started but his efforts had made him jumbo in the arena. Sooner or later the report card will be out with the result. But whatever it is, he would be satisfied, as this time he really really tried.

-          Dropping down corners of mouth
-          The outer commissar of eyes pointing downwards.

Success and failure, it’s all in perception. It all boils down to, how you take it.


Friday 14 March 2014


“How deep can you go for thing of your passion?” It is the punch line, endorsing the car brand. Well, same is with life and career. It becomes easy when the passion is fenced between the academics zone. The real trouble starter is when it breaks away the unified chain and steps on the outskirts. It brings adrenaline pumped revolution which on longer run can make you stand in the league of gentlemen’s club, exemplified in likes of Sachin Tendulkar or breaks you and burry your dreams deep with shackles, completely missing to register in pages of history. It’s just “one second” that can change the course of your whole life. And ironically this “one second” never ever returns. So think again, what will you do to get the thing of your passion?

Twenty something boy, from a financially compromised family, came to me for treatment of an anomaly, AMBLYOPIA in his left eye. Amblyopia is a condition in which eye suffer from gross refractive error causing almost blindness leaving a partial vision. He was pursuing his studies for a Charted Accountancy Course. Though not blessed with silver spoon but he snowboard the life on scholarships. He had a promising future in the field of academics as vouched by his teachers, who happened to be my patient too. Life was going velvety smooth for him except the financial constraints which he was used to till now, since it had shadowed him since childhood. But there came a transient phase of transformation which will bound to change the course of future.
It was very hard to believe that twenty something guy living an Amish lifestyle. He had not seen any movie and neither had a privilege to watch television sitcoms since childhood, one, because his family pushed him to academic front. It was only six months back he saw one bollywood blockbuster that derailed, the whole course of his perceptive. That second reason, the motion picture reflected deep on his psyche that now he wanted to pursue the field of theatrics. He wanted to be a thespian.
Since his revolutionary mind decided to take a thespian shot but his teacher and family differ. His academic promised a job security but his heart wasn’t complacent in it anymore. His passion, on the other hand, brought the flying colors to his life but his future loomed with thread of uncertainty over it. There was an aura of confusion and as unexpected as his decision, he came to me for an opinion.
Everyone knew the slandered answer to the question, but such tailor made answers never make chivalrous heroes.
Whether or not I should have given that advice or I just overstepped? I don’t know. But it is sure that I am bound to share- the burden of his future success or failure.
When ever in doubt, the wise says leave it on God. So the modus oprendi to leave it on God [that I myself have learned from one of my patients] is as follows:
According to Hindu religion any work done in Brahma Murat [between 4:10am to 4:48am] bears the fruit of success. Therefore I asked him to get up early one fine day and get ready by Brahman Murat. As the dawn sweeps in, he should pray to god and seek his advice. That could be done by making four paper chits two with the option ‘CA’ written on it and two with the option ‘Actor’ written on it. He should shuffle them honestly and put them in the feet of God. And then pray as hard as he can. As the time of Brahma Murat weans towards its end, pick one chit and then with blind faith follow it. That chit becomes your destiny from that very second. No ‘U’ turns from that moment because any uncertainty means defying the order of God.
I asked him, if he had that will, he can go for it. I thought he would decline. But contrarily, he thanked me to find the solution.
[And I skipped a Beat there. I would be so damned!]
-         It is de-marketed by the septum of nose that divides alaes {nostrils}. It shouldn’t have a slit in it because it represent hopeless individual, other traits include
-         Brightness of eyes
-         Fuller cheeks
-         Clean complexion

He has abandoned his CA studies and have sold those books at second hand rate. He has got himself a menial paying job, for liquidity. Though Amish lifestyle but has put little investments too his passion, the Goal of his life.
Only because his Doctor suggested, that let the God decide for him.

Life is not a math’s problem that could be solved by being practical. But, it is neither the gambler’s game leaning on luck…

Thursday 6 March 2014


                  MARKERS OF DEATH
“IMMORTALITY”, a boom for which many many beings in the ancient time underwent various austerities, but failed to have it, only setting to the bargain about the condition to his death. Like Harinya Kashyap who put condition to his death. As the story goes he got himself the boom that he shouldn’t die by hands of any human, demigod or any being created by god. He shouldn’t die in morning or in night and neither in sky nor on Earth and not by any weapon present in the world. He tried to fool death and blundered, thinking himself to be immortal.
But fate had him. The one who has taken birth has to die as written in Bhagvad Gita. He was killed by sharp nails of Lord Vishnu who incarnated as Narsingha Dev. Narsingh Dev was not a human, nor demigod. Harinyakashyap was killed not in night nor in day but in twilight. He was neither killed in sky nor on Earth but on the lap of the lord and not by any weapon but the lord’s nails which toured his abdomen, spilling his guts.
Srimad Bhagwatam displays it more vividly. But in today’s time, can we condition our own death. Is it possible to have “MARKERS OF DEATH”?

Three years back this lady came to me with a heavy portfolio of her cardio [heart] condition. All the reports univocally singing only one raga, she required immediate open heart surgery to survive. She already had two silent heart attacks and body was not in position to bear the third. But she was quiet obstinate that she won’t get a surgery done. So she went to different doctors, finally compiled to her demands and gave her a “shopping bag” full of medicines, out of which dozens were to be popped in a single day. Was it psychological or whether she was actually recovering, she felt fine.
Last year she came with a box of sweets announcing that she have fixed her daughter’s wedding. She was all happy and jolly. By the end of first week of January, I got news of her death from her daughter-in-law.
Surprising thing was, all her scanning reports came absolutely normal. Her heart was improving but from nowhere a small clot made it’s way through her vessels and reached her brain. There was a stroke. First she became unconscious, then shifted from home to ward, ward to ICU and then on ventilator and finally along with her brain, her heart also gave up.
No one had the time to access that what went wrong. She just started sliding and sliding out of this world.

Yes, she always knew it. She had all those markers of death and she kind of knew it, that this time she won’t able to make it. This all came as a revelation, after her personal diary was read by her son.
Three years back when she had the first indication, she went to the astrologer she blindly trusted. And going through her birth chart and after mediating over it for a while he told her that she have three years maximum left of her life. The bad luck would slide in as soon as she fixed her daughter’s marriage. The “Yama” [The demigod of death] would come in the form of her son-in-law. There won’t be any chances then. The astrologer asked her that her only escape route was to wait a long time before to fix her daughter’s marriage. So they would get a chance to pray to almighty, getting few more years to her age.
She was complacent to his advice and was pushing her daughter for higher studies but one fine day her daughter landed with a boyfriend on the doorsteps of her house.
She was in a fix now. Neither could she tell her daughter, the whole truth nor could she find any logistical reason to deny the proposal. So finally, knowing her doom to be near, she lived; in fact ravished and savored the last six months of her life, starting from the day her daughter got engaged.

Astrologer wasn’t a sham, his predictions were precise.
The woman died and the daughter is getting ready for April wedding (because of pressure from boy’s side)
Her son with hold the secrets of his mother sudden death from his sister’s, as per the lady’s dying request (The last entry made on 3rd January 2014 and afternoon of 4th January 2014 she died).

Inward bending big canines

Even after death, life keeps going on and on…