Tuesday 5 September 2017

When God Needed a Tailor, he chose Her!

First meeting....
23 rd august, 2014, almost middle of night, I got an emergency to see at home. Being an homoeopathic doctor we don't have such emergencies but of and on you can't ignore them too. She was a frail body of flesh on the bones carried in the lap of his father. The winter sweaters were also not providing any decency to her pencil sleek curvature.
"She is vomiting and is unable to eat and have a lot of heaviness in the chest!" was the presenting complaint. But before I could rule in being a gastric problem due to unhealthy eating, a common practice in new formed teenagers like her, there came a casual remark, "She is also undergoing treatment for nephrotic syndrome."
Layman meaning, her kidnies were failing.
Oh! dear! They were telling me now when I was almost through with half of my prescription. With one stroke of pen I cancelled what I wrote earlier. I looked at them perplexed and with a sign I said, "What's her Cretenine?"
Layman language, the factor that indicate the extent of damage to kidnies.
"A week back it was 5!"
It's shouldn't pass more than 1.2 in normal scenario.
Are you kidding me, is it some kind of joke, I don't even have the present value. I wanted to say but curtailed my tongue. The girl was looking up to me in anticipation. Those puppy dog eyes in the shrinking sockets brimmed with tear line.
Hearts of hearts I know her Kidnies have gone and this is the complications of nephrotic syndrome I am dealing with, which ideally should be managed with a mechanical procedure of dialysis, to filter out the piling up excreta in her blood which in a usual scenario is done by kidnies. And one thing more I am not God! I knew my limitation.
I tried explaining them about it but to my surprise they already knew it and they were just trying to avoid it.
But it's not our choice.
I gave her something that relieved her for a while but it was temporary. I asked them to get the cretinine checked, first thing in the morning.
Night went, so the following half afternoon too, evening was difficult again and I received a call, what to do!
Go to the hospital, get the dialysis! What do they expect from me, I am not God!
25 th December, she was sinking. Her body failing, soul losing the grip but her will stronger than mountains. Doctors gave up on her but she shouted on them, "My other doctor said, if you do the dialysis on me, I will be fine again! So do it."
On duty doctor found no need because the statistics said it was just matter of time but she kept shouting at them. Consent forms signed and dialysis was done. Dark Christmas night went with yes and no, prayers and tears.....
Next morning was brighter, because she was back on but with a prescription sheet of dialysis three times a week.
But whatever, I was her favorite doctor, because it seemed as if I gave her the idea how to live.
Our Second meeting...
In 2015, we met again. This time she had more words than before because it was not an emergency. She had stories and boosted how she shouted over those doctors triple her age. And subsequent meeting were also the same, I used to take care of the adverse effects of the dialysis, strengthening her system to take the massive procedure and she used to play 'show and tell'. She was a gifted child and her art and craft was superb and was her drawings. And each time she visited me, she had something to show me and a big tale how she came up with the idea and how she eventually executed it. It was 5 minutes Doctor patient time and 10 minutes story time with her.
The girl had a will power to fight odds. She was the most positive person that I have ever came across.
Subsequent December of 2015 she was again hospitalized with certain infection. She was recovering well. Christmas was again overhead and this time she charmed the entire hospital corridors of kids wing with her drawings. She was darling in the hospital for one month she stayed. And she had big stories to tell me when she came back to me.
2016 also went with her frequent hospital stay and bouncing back to me. But after the fall of the year, her visits became less.
In 2017, she was put on water dialysis at home as her body reduced to just mere skin coating on the skeleton, so frail to take blood dialysis. But her spirits were high, though she detorated. In Feb, this year she came in for certain problem, told me about her ideas that she would be doing this year. Cupboards after cupboards were filled with her masterpieces. Some she gifted, some she kept, some she brought for me, a beautiful pink lotus she made once for me, couple of 'Happy Diwali' cards and my personal favorite her high spirited smile was all her legacy.
For sometime she was not coming for follow up. Well, the water dialysis that she have to undergo everyday made her more and more frail and weak, therefore maybe her visits tapered, I was assuming.
The House of Lucy...
16 august she was back again to me, with her show and tell items.
It's the long time she said.
This time she brought the beautiful purple slippers she made for herself. She was being carried by her father, because she couldn't walk. Still looking at those slippers she said, when I will be able to walk again I will wear them and they are going look awesome. I agreed, they were awesome.
Than came the 'house of lucy', the living booklet of the girl named lucy and her life style. It was so beautifully crafted. I asked her to give it to me to see but she said this is little complicated, it need to be explained.
"See Dr Sonal, this girls name is lucy, this is her bedroom where she sleeps like this. When she wakes up in the morning, she brushes her teeth like this, go to school, this is her school bus. She comes back and than watch television in her living room. Sometimes feel bore so go to shopping,Oh! this is her study room...."
And on and on she went, everything lively depicted in her craft book. She had charms in her eyes. She was less interested in medicine, more interested to update me with her craft. Before biding me adieu, she stumbled on one more of her genius invention, look I stitched dresses for my thakur, the worshiping deity of her house.
Oh, very beautiful, why don't you stitch one for my Thakur too, I said.
Next time, she said.
24 th August, she came empty handed. I was not feeling well this week, sorry I couldn't bring you the thakur dress was her opening lines.
I said no problem, maybe next time.
Her spirits were low and the smile missing.
I couldn't get her talking today, she was not her usual self.
To start a conversation I said, Hey do you believe in magic.
Her eyes charmed as if I was going to do some trick.
I said, I have magical beads, if you chant the name of God, maybe some magic happens in your life. I gave her japa mala to chant hari naam mantra at it. I asked her to chant three times. And also a Lord Jaggarnath Batch.
Well the trick was, I was planning a photo shoot for her with my team, so that we could promote her on social networking sites and ask for kidney for her. {She was adopted child therefore her parents couldn't give her kidney and her blood type was rare and her foster parents were not financially strong too}. Almost all details were done except some corners to be covered. I thought once she will chant I will break the news to her that we are planning the campaign and she would have stronger trust in God and would be excited.
She promised she will chant.
I said maybe you get the kidney.
She said, she doesn't need them anymore.
Than How will it get cure.
You will see doctor, all by itself....
All By itself.
GoD Is Always Going To Be GoD!
She was right, her sufferings ended. It was all by itself.
She had ordered an sewing machine form the amazon to stitch clothes for my thakur. On 28th August, Monday of the past week it was delivered and two hours later she was no more.
She died!
She died with a thought to stitch clothes for God after she chanted on her beads holding the batch of Jaggarnath in other hand.

Her suffering ended. There was no place in her body which was not punctured. Her entire body was covered with boils. Her breathing was difficult and she couldn't walk one step. Only her sole pure like a blossom lotus and hence left the weak falling body cloth for a new journey, for a new designation.
Her parents believe, especially her father, that she is never ever going to come back in any form, she has gone to live with God for eternity and would be stitching his clothes.
"sariram yad avapnoit yac capy utkramatisvarah
grhtvaitani samyati vayur gandhan ivasayat" 15.8 Bhagvad Gita
Meaning, The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life form one body to another as the air carries aromas. Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take another.
It's said what ever last thought the living being dies with, that is thought he begins his another life with. May be God was missing a tailor therefore he summoned her up to his service, to his personal abode of happiness, tranquility and bliss. he welcomed her with open hands.
And she was very right, her sufferings will end all by itself by mercy of lord.
After all GoD is always Going to be God!
Hare Krsna!